Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Map Work

I know I said I would stop blogging so much, but this one is for the students.  Also, don't forget to check out the geography practice in the social studies links.  It is fun!  REALLY!

As a reminder (even though you had enough time to complete the labeling in class), here is what should be labeled on the maps we worked on today.  Remember to write the words as directed and write horizontally.  Shade water area in light blue.  SHADE LIGHTLY!!

World Map
1. Write World Map on the bottom
2.  Label the oceans, capitalizing the first letter of both words:
-Pacific Ocean
-Atlantic Ocean
-Indian Ocean
-Arctic Ocean
(ok to label Southern Ocean)

3.  Lightly shade in crayon or colored pencil all the water area (use your book to help).

North American Map
1.  Label NORTH AMERICA in the middle of the continent
2.  Label the following countries (using ALL CAPITALS)

3.  Label the oceans - capitalizing the first letter of both words:
-Pacific Ocean
-Atlantic Ocean
-Arctic Ocean

4. Lightly shade in crayon or colored pencil all the water area (use your book to help).

Monday, October 29, 2012


One of the changes that will occur with the second quarter is less posting on the blog.  I generally overwhelm you at the beginning of the year, then cut back as the year goes on, specifically with writing the homework on the post. Some days, I allow kids to write posts about things they are studying. I will now write posts on Monday and Thursday each week, with periodic updates when needed.  Students should be practicing good work habits, writing homework down correctly from the board, and keeping work and projects organized.  This is something we can discuss in depth next week at conferences (if needed), but overall, I am happy with the organization skills I see that are in place.

Speaking of organization, Wednesday will be our first Book Share. Each student should have the genre activity completed and ready to share on Wednesday. We will have our banked 45 minutes of Choice Time on Wednesday as well, so if the assigned activity is not completed adequately, the student will work on the project (or a writing activity and poster) during Choice Time.  Your child may bring any non-electronic game or arts and crafts to school for Choice Time.  I am looking forward to seeing the completed projects and hearing about the books (if the genre activity is completed).

Another change was with the Grezlik Gazette. We are now using a new format, which the kids can tell you about.   For most of the quarter, we will write now at the beginning of the week instead of at the end of the week.  Time will be given in class to start this activity.  If done on the computer, it needs to be cut out and pasted into the composition book.

The weekly word work changes this quarter.  Sentences will now be one of the 4 activities that needs to be done for Friday word work.  Sentences will not be assigned every single week.  Some weeks, the kids will need to write a short story with their words.  On all weeks, students need to be sure to follow the directions on the back of the word work sheet and label their work so I know what the work choice is.  Some weeks (like this week), I will assign the activities.  Other weeks, it will be student choice.

Here is the work due this week:
Reading - log your pages and bring your completed genre activity to school on Wednesday

Writing - Grezlik Gazette (2,4,6,8) - Many kids finished most of this in school today.  It is due on Wednesday.

Math -  Mrs. Ryan's class has a small packet of work
          -  Mrs. Kallal's class has a sheet of practice
          -  Mrs. Grezlik's class has test corrections, a parent signature on the test, and bring ads to school for this week's transfer task.  Math boxes will be assigned tomorrow and are due on Friday.  There will be time in class to work on these.

Word Work - See above.  Some kids had time to work on Spelling City today in lab.  These activities are due on Friday and the test is on Friday.

I look forward to meeting with parents next week at conferences.  Let me know if you need to change times or days. 

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Red Ribbon Week

Red Ribbon Week is a time to celebrate a healthy lifestyle!  Make good choices this week in all you do. Eat good foods, get some exercise, love your family, be good to your friends and classmates, and be happy with the life you have!

  Monday 10/29 – Wear Red and bring a stuffed animal
“Hugs not Drugs day”

Tuesday 10/30 – Wear slippers
“Give Drugs the slip”

Wednesday 10/31 – Wear a hat
“Put a Cap on Drugs”

Thursday 11/1 – Wear Sweats
“Being Drug Free is no Sweat”

Friday 11/2 – Wear a favorite sports shirt
“Team up against Drugs”

By the way, if you are looking for sites for latitude and longitude practice, there will be practice time for that in lab this week. I will put them up tomorrow. You can always google sites for practice with your parents assistance.  Hope everyone is ready for our first Book Share on Wednesday.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Fall Fun!!

Tomorrow morning, we will complete our spelling test and our "Roberto Clemente" test in the morning.  The reading will be a verbal test with a couple of extended response questions.  I have decided the kids can use the book for the extended response questions. 

During our writing time, we'll do some Halloween writing for fun. We've been so busy with our memoirs.  There will even be pictures to color!!

We took our Social Studies test today and the multiple choice section was immediately graded.  It came home for corrections, where the students can earn some percentage points for looking for the correct answer and filling in the sheet that came home.  Overall, the class did very well and I didn't see a lot of kids looking in their packets or on their outlines (notes were allowed on this test).  I have now graded the skills section (written responses) and tomorrow you will get your final grade for the test, with test correction points and extra credit for using complete sentences on the skills section.  Remember, this is our first social studies test.  We have many ahead and so many interesting people, places, and events from history to learn about.  We will learn many strategies for how to understand this material. 

Finally, tomorrow is our Fall Party.  Kids may bring costumes to wear, as long as there are no scary masks, fake blood or heavy makeup, or weapons of any kind.  Also, no candy or treats can be passed out, so keep those at home for your trick-or-treaters next week.

Don't forget to complete your work work for tomorrow.  I checked Spelling City and the lists are now up there (don't know why they didn't load on Monday).  I also put the lists up for the next few weeks so you can check them out...you know, if you're looking for something to do!!


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Can you imagine?

Can you imagine what it was like to be an explorer, looking for a city or treasure for years and years (in a really HOT and DRY place), and then finding out that it never really existed? 

Can you imagine what it was like for the natives in the West Indies when they saw a vessel on the water that they have never seen before?

Can you imagine what it was like for the Spaniards to travel to lands far from their home and families in order to set up new colonies for New Spain?

The "Can You Imagine?" activity is one that we will use often in social studies as we take new people, places, and events, and try to make sense of what it was like in history.   The "You are There" section at the beginning of each lesson helps us think of what it was like.


Social Studies

- study the map on page 147 (no quiz on it, but know how to read it
- read page 148-150 (Adjust your reading rate - reread for understanding)
- in your packet, complete lesson 3 sheet - only 1-5 matching


5G - test Thursday
      - give your survey questions to 5th graders only (slips due Friday)
      - 4 division problems
      - test tomorrow
      - 3 journal pages and notes

Word Work
(see yesterday's post)

**  Tomorrow you will have 30-45 minutes of independent work time in class.  You should be done or very close to done with your October book selection.  You may choose to use the time in class to work on word work for the week or your genre activity for book talk next week.  If you do not use your memoir time wisely tomorrow, your independent time will be spent finishing your rough draft for memoir. 

Monday, October 22, 2012

What is Important?

Social Studies
Today we continued to figure out what is important for us to remember in history.  It is impossible to remember EVERY FACT in history, but we can remember more if we adjust our reading rate (and reread) when reading SO many facts.  It is also easier to understand if we think about putting ourselves in the middle of history.  Can you imagine being one of the Aztecs and seeing a horse for the very first time?  Imagine what you would feel inside!  Also, think of which leader had an easier time conquering new land for Spain, Cortes or Pizzaro.  Why did Pizzaro have an easier time (not that it was and easy thing to do!)? 

What is also important is that we find little tricks and ways to help us remember the things we deem important!  Slowing our reading down, acting out a scene in our mind, putting ourselves in history, rereading and accenting specific words....these are all good strategies to help comprehension.   For example, we talked about ways to remember how Cortes conquered the Aztecs and Pizzaro conquered the Incan Empire.  One of those empires was in what is now Mexico City and one was in what is now Lima, Peru.   One was in Central America and one was in South America.  How do you keep it all straight?  That is what we will figure out! 

Today we also filled out a yellow calendar in order to keep track of the weekly assignments and long term projects.  This is optional.  Some kids may find it helpful and some may find it a hindrance to have ONE MORE THING to look at.  I told the kids to use it as they wish.  Also this week, I will implement an Study Period on Wednesday afternoons.  This will be about 30-40 minutes for students to work on activities in class where I am available for help.  This will be time I conference with individuals as needed.  I hope this alleviates some of the Thursday/Friday assignment stress.

Here's what is due this week:

Social Studies - page 36 and 38 in your packet.  Kids had time to work on page 36 this morning, some may have been finished.   No book should be used.  You are to fill in what you remember from both readings in class.  This will not be graded, but will show you if you need to think in a smarter way during social studies.  The more you remember, the more effective your thinking and listening was today in class.  We will complete an outline for lesson 2 tomorrow and will read lesson 3.  We will test on Chapter 4 on Thursday.

Word Work - 15 sentences due on Thursday and word work due on Friday (Test Friday too)

Math - link 2.7 for my class and the evens on the study guide (time in class was given to start 2.7

Reading - Time was given to read Roberto Clemente in class today (the great majority used time wisely and finished with time to spare) using the reading strategy of adjusting the reading rate (speed).  There are lots of facts in this story, since it is a biography!  Be prepared for some comprehension questions (books can be used, but time will be limited).

Also, finish up your October books and begin your project for our FIRST Book Talk on October 31.  See me with any questions!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Building our Biceps

I know this was a very heavy backpack day!  I will try to keep the homework to one heavy book per day.  Tomorrow - NO HEAVY BOOKS!! 

Due tomorrow:

Social Studies
Read page 136-139 and add to your two column notes.  Remember to only write fragments in the right column, describing the people, places, and events that are important.  There is not a SPECIFIC number of entries for you to include, but I want to see that you know how to pick an important piece of information (like the Columbian Exchange - hint, hint) from the reading and put some notes down about it.

5G - Accel: Link 2.6  (Tomorrow, we'll have a 10 point quiz on multiplying decimals)
5R has a sheet of work
5K cool math and 5 boxes from any box page

Log due
Review Elena
Test tomorrow

Word Work
Activities due tomorrow
Sort test tomorrow

How is your reading coming along for your genre selection?  Are you starting the project?  Will you be done with the reading by Wednesday?  Do you understand how to do your assigned project?  Ask me if you need help with anything!


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

1/2 Day

Wow!  Did that go fast?  Whew!  I was just listening to the song "Good Time" on my iPod.  It made me think of the Animoto video I made of you all for Curriculum Night.  You know that that is linked under the 5G photos tab, right?

Here is what is due tomorrow!

15 sentences with word sort words - follow the guidelines you know from the rubric!  skip lines, underline the sort words used.

5G - bring your survey questions (between 20-30 copies of the question to hand out to collect data) 
      - also, study link 2.10 (see your parents email for info on today's homework)
5K - sheet
5R - quiz!

Log pages
Read Elena again (test on Friday)
Comprehension questions on loose leaf


Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Don't forget!

We have early dismissal tomorrow at 12:10.

Please send in the Time for Kids money ($5) so we can put in the order.
If you still have not signed up for a conference time (7 parents), please see my weekend email and let me know a time you can meet from the available times listed.
Read Elena and fill in two more parts on your two column notes.
Edmodo assignment (choices only)
Social Studies:
Know your continents (and the correct spelling and capitalization)
5G - Boxes in journal
5R - find 5 boxes to do in your journal (not the whole pages, just a mix of practice)
5K - sheet
Word Work (see detail on Monday's post):
15 sentences - due Thursday
word work - due Friday

Monday, October 15, 2012

How do we do this all in one day?

Here are some of the things we did today:
  • Math fact practice
  • New vocabulary for our reading story this week (Elena)
  • Strategy to focus on for the week (Read Ahead)
  • Math - positive and negative powers of ten/angles
  • Worked on identifying  books by genre (and got some ideas on our genre sheet)
  • Reviewed subjects and predicates
  • Compound subjects and predicates
  • Learned about how Native American groups moved throughout the continent and used resources
  • Learned why early explorers came to America and where they came from
  • Learned a new song in music (in parts)
  • Took our listening quiz on Savvy
Remember for this week:


Log pages read
Definitions for Elena -due tomorrow
Begin your project due on Oct. 31 (finish reading by 10/24)

5G - Worksheet on powers of 10 (use your notes)
5R - cut out shapes
5K - worksheet

Word Work:
*  Due Thursday - 15 sentences on loose leaf (skip lines and underline words)  follow the rubric guidelines we've worked on all year, but don't do work on the rubric sheet

*  Due Friday - Word Work (no speed sort, Spelling City must include a practice test!)

Sunday, October 14, 2012

5G News for the Week

Here are a few notes for the week:

1. There is an Edmodo assignment that is due on Wednesday. For your kids to write a great memoir this week, they need your help in choosing an event to write about. Please read the Edmodo assignment and talk with them before they complete the assignment.

2. This is Spirit Week at Young. See the "Important Events" Tab so your child can participate if interested.

3. The PTA Fundraiser ends tomorrow. If your child participated in this, all materials are due tomorrow.

4. Picture Day is Tuesday. Be sure your child dresses as you wish and I will make sure they look as pretty and handsome as possible in front of the camera.

5. There will be a Spirit Council Fundraiser on Monday, October 22 from 5-10p.m., at
Sky High Sports in Naperville. A flyer came home on Friday. The Bears game will be on as the kids jump and have fun. I will copy extra flyers in case the original was misplaced. I will be there from 7-9p.m.

6. There is early dismissal this Wednesday at 12:10.

7.  All Genre Exploration activities are now linked on the blog under the Genre Explorations Tab.  The October book your child has chosen should be read by October 24 so he or she can have a full week to work on the project and writing.  Students can begin the project as they are reading and complete it during the last week before the book share.
8. Parent/Teacher Conference sign up was on Curriculum Night. If you did not sign up, please see the times below and let me know if you have a time preference. I am also available before school a few days, if those time work best for you.

- Monday, Nov. 5 - 6:00-7:20

- Tuesday, Nov. 6 - 10:20, 12:20, 1:20 - 3:00

- Thursday, Nov. 8 - 6:00, 6:20, 7:00p.m.

Other Dates:

- Monday, Nov. 5 - 8:30a.m.

- Thurs., Nov. 8 - 8:30a.m.

- Monday, Nov. 12 - 8:30a.m. or 3:35 p.m.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Due Friday

Tomorrow, we will quiz over narrative text characteristics.  A sheet defining narrative text characteristics came home Tuesday and we have studied it in class.  Students are responsible for the information on the front and back, including examples of narrative text.

We also will have a quiz over the nutrient information we've been studying.  There is an outline in the science notebooks to help, but some of the information is from the health presentations we had in class last week and this week.  I WILL ALLOW NOTES TO BE USED FOR THIS QUIZ!!

We spent time in small groups studying outside in the reading garden today.
We spent time in small groups studying outside in the reading garden today.
We spent time in small groups studying outside in the reading garden today.

All students have math homework.  My accel. class has journal page 52.  Be sure to estimate the numbers so that you can do the calculations IN YOUR HEAD.  The purpose of creating an estimate is to have an idea of what the exact answer will be.  You should not create MORE work for yourself.  This is a very important skill we will be building on and using ALL YEAR.  See the tab marked Math Class for link to practice sites!

Reading the story about "The New Kid" again carefully in a quiet place will help you with the comprehension questions you are going to answer tomorrow about the text. 

Get your assignment book signed and bring in your reading log! 

Thanks for reading!!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Time to Analyze...

Today, we continued studying narrative texts.  We learned how to analyze our narrative writing about fall for the characteristics of memoir.  We created a color code for all the characteristics we should include in our memoirs.  Analyzing one piece of writing will help us see what we need to focus more on next week for our final memoir choice.  Tomorrow, there will be an Edmodo assignment where you have to list three choices you might write about next week (it will be due on Monday).  Remember, think of an event you can remember good details about, including:

- where you were
- when this event took place (maybe not EXACTLY, but maybe how old you were or the time of year and the year)
- who you were with
- dialogue you had with someone (or many people) during this event
- parts of the event in sequential order
- thoughts and feelings you had surrounding this event

If you have trouble thinking of any one of the above items, you may not have enough memory to write about your choice.  To determine whether the events you choose are acceptable, talk to a parent or a sibling (or an imaginary friend) about the event or time in your life.  While we have focused on trying not to be too broad with our memoir choice, the event could span a brief amount of time, as long as the event is focused.  This could be a time when you were really sick with the flu, were learning how to ride a bike (unless it took you a whole year), or teaching your dog a new trick (again, depending on how long it took you), just for a few examples.  Find an event in your life that you REALLY REMEMBER WELL!! 

Now, for those of you who took the time to read all of that, I have a reward. Tomorrow, if you come ready to answer the blue question below, you will get to move up one level on our clip chart. I know it is only one level, but there may be a chance to move it higher. Here is the question:

What is one event your parent might choose to write about for a memoir?

Other homework:
Science - Nutrients Quiz Friday - study the nutrients outline in your science notebook (everyone should have it with them..many reminders about this)

Reading - Narrative Text Characteristics (Quiz Friday) - study the sheet that is in your pendafile.

Math - (5G)adding decimals sheet - ONLY DO THE ADDING!!  (front and back)
5R has a triangles worksheet
5K has a worksheet

Also, don't forget the fundraising forms (if you are participating) and the Scholastic book order is due Friday.  I will put the order in on Saturday.  You can order online (http://www.scholastic.com) easily.  Our classroom code is JGN7C.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A Week of Writing

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend enjoying all the spectacular parts of fall!  I sure did!  I took my family up to a beautiful part of Wisconsin called Door County.  This is an area that is full of gorgeous scenery and lots of history.  My favorite activity was visiting the Maritime Museum in Sturgeon's Bay.  Maritime is primarily an adjective that describes objects or activities related to the sea.  I learned so much about the "hard-working fishermen, brave ship captains, skilled craftsmen, bold inventors and lonely lighthouse keepers" that helped to develop this area back in the 1800s.  The thing I enjoyed most was watching the shipbuilding process (on video) and watching the ships get launched into the water.  FASCINATING!!!

While that was a memory from my weekend, students today have the assignment of writing a 5 paragraph memoir of a specific event focused around fall, Halloween, or Thanksgiving.  Brainstorming today, we came up with specific topics such as buying or creating a costume, decorating the house for Halloween, raking leaves, or a favorite food at Thanksgiving.   Kids were asked to go back to an event in the past, focusing on events in 2011 or before.  A list of expectations was sent home today, so the kids know what belongs in each paragraph.  Attached to that is also a rubric (grading guide) so kids know what they are going to be graded on for the FINAL MEMOIR.  This assignment is formative in nature, meaning I will use it to help me see who needs help with specific parts of writing for the final assignment next week.  The main focus in memoir is writing all the details of a specific event (not a broad event).

We will use this draft this week to study and prepare for next week's final assignment.  For next week, kids get to choose the event to focus on for their memoir.  Again, it is not to be a broad event, like a birthday.  Students will be directed to focus the memory down to a manageable task where proper focus can be given to the details (using all the senses to make the reader feel like they are experiencing it).

Writing will be a major focus this week.  We do not have a Harcourt story, but students are responsible for reading and logging pages daily.  Tomorrow, you will have a Genre Plan to discuss at home that outlines all the reading and reading related work that your child will have outside the Harcourt stories (which we will continue to use periodically to work on vocabulary and skill work).

5G - link 2.1 and study the notes we took in class on different ways to write number values (Also, the survey half sheet is due, so don't forget!  I can't wait to see what you plan to survey!)

5K and 5R both have sheets for homework (and some kids have to correct their test #2 and return signed tomorrow).

REMINDER: We are giving the district Interim Assessments this week (in the morning before math).

Thursday, October 4, 2012

A Long Weekend.....

Boy, I know a few kids who are really looking forward to a nice long weekend!  This has been a challenging week, with tests (math and grammar), projects (Final Reading Response), and new expectations (new goals for reading log pages), but 5G kids are doing their best to keep up with it all!  What I have been impressed with this week:

1.  Kids reading my blog more than ever before.  Since telling them there would be secret messages that would help them move their clip up to Outstanding on our behavior chart, I have seen the biggest spikes in traffic on my blog!  Yesterday, we had almost 200 hits to the blog. Incredible!  Can I get a "Rodeo Roundup?"

2.  Kids making their own work lists for the week (a suggestion from an earlier post) to keep in their assignment book and mark off items as they complete them!  Can I get some" Fireworks?"

3.  Kids taking their grades to heart, knowing that they need to come prepared for tests and quizzes, but realizing that if they don't perform to their satisfaction, they can make changes in how they listen, study, and plan in the future.  That deserves a "Fantastic!"

4.  Creative ideas flying around the room for our health presentations tomorrow!  I can't wait to see some of these ideas from our jigsaw activity!  You are all "Brrrrrilliant!" 

Keep up the hard work, 5G!

See the post from Monday to see what is due tomorrow.  In addition to that, your health presentation (we've had time in class to work on this, but there may be a little bit of practicing that may need to be done to prepare).  Also, Mrs. Ryan's math class has link 3.3 and my math class has test reflections (due on Tuesday next week, signed in your notebook - test can stay at home).

Mrs. Ryan's class -  I put a great site link under math sites in the margin links to practice measuring angles ONLINE.. It's FUN!!!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A Little Quest..

Questions to discuss at home tonight or in the morning:

What did one of the CoGat tests look like?  Can you recreate a question that you saw today?  See if your parents can solve it?

What is a Webquest?  Are you prepared to answer any questions from the questions you answered?

What health topic are you responsible for presenting to the class as part of our jigsaw activity?  What day will that be?

What will you do tomorrow if you can show me that you have already completed the Final Reading Response that is due Friday?

Why did some kids get to move to "Outstanding" today?

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Walk to School Day!!

Walk to School Day-Wednesday

Nancy Young will be celebrating "Walk To School Day" on Wednesday, October 3rd.  Walk to School is a program that began in Chicago in 1997.  The goal of this program is to promote safer streets, and encourage healthier habits and cleaner air by walking and biking.  All children will have an opportunity to participate in activities during their lunch recess time to promote a healthy lifestyle.

What we're working on....

Please look at the previous post regarding the Art Club sign up, just below this one.

A couple things we are currently studying...

In science, we are studying the nutrients our body needs to be healthy (thank goodness for those villi in our small intestine).  Today, we learned how to create an outline with organized information.  Science notebooks came home to study those notes and the actual outline format (no quiz - just to look at for FUN!).  If you read this post, ask your parent if you can bring in a small food item that is packaged and does NOT need refrigeration.  We are going to study food labels and serving sizes, and the item will eventually be returned.  If you do this tomorrow, your clip get to move all the way up to OUTSTANDING (for checking and reading the blog and following directions!!).

See Monday's post.

The only extra would be 5K math has a sheet of homework and 5R math has two sheets.  5G math will continue the test (we had about 15-20 minutes today on it) so use your resources to study what you feel you need to.

Art Club

Parents and kids,
I am so sorry, but I forgot to pass out the IMPORTANT Art Club permission slip this afternoon. Mrs. Heller and Mrs. Wise are running the Art Club for 5 Wednesdays after school until 5:40. Here are the dates:

Oct. 10 and 24

Nov. 7, 14, and 28

There are only 20 spots open, so only sign up if you can make ALL the dates. If you are interested, please print out this post (or see the email I just sent), sign the line, and fill in the information needed below. Also, indicate if your child will walk home or be picked up. I will send the actual note home tomorrow, but the printed email will get turned in immediately in the morning to Mrs. Heller! 
I would like to attend the Art Club with Mrs. Heller and Mrs. Wise.

parent signature

Phone number: ______________________________

My child will (circle one) RIDE HOME or WALK HOME.

Monday, October 1, 2012

One of those weeks.....

Would you like another chance to figure out just how organized you are? This is one of those weeks that will test your level of organization and time management. We have quite a few things going on this week and, as I noticed when I checked in with my "PM Group" this afternoon, keeping track of everything in the assignment book can be a little tricky. I would suggest making a bookmark of all the assignments listed with the due dates and a space for checking off when the items are completed.  Some of you can already create your own table using a Word document.  Stick that bookmark in your assignment notebook, your take home section, or your current reading book so you are aware of it DAILY!

Something like this (and yes, this is what our week looks like...remember, don't get overwhelmed!  Take one assignment at a time, working on what is due earliest.):

Due date
Turned in
Progress report
Final Response for book (both sides)
we will have time for this on Wed. & Thurs. in class 
“Backyard” passage read and signed.
Only study the questions.
Writing – subject/pred. sheet corrected
Writing – subject/ predicate quiz
Word Study List – sentences using rubric
Word Study - work
Word Study – test

Math – daily work (Accel. study for test)

Every day……

In fact, you could just copy and print this whole post into a word doc. and BOOM!  Done!

Also, don’t forget to log the PAGES you are reading and meet your page goal  every day.  Remember, it is your job to communicate with me if you feel your goal should be higher or lower depending on the material you are currently reading. A post it on my desk or teacher note box is fine.  I have finished conferencing with everyone in the class, except one student (D.M.) who was at band this afternoon.
Good luck, everyone!  I have great faith in your abilities!!