Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Great Sites for teachers

If you have time to look at one site, look here.  Mary is a gifted teacher in 203 and this site is full of excellent ways to propel your students to new ways of thinking!  

This site allows for easy class set up and provides practice with a great variety of concepts, including prep for the PARCC. 

You can find lots to do here, but check out the games in the games tab.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

What does that remainder mean?

HI everyone!  Thank you for checking in here for your homework.  Your lesson this afternoon is how to make sense of the remainder in a division problem.  Please click on the link below and read the page of the lesson, then click at the bottom for more review and practice with this idea.  Our early class work will include three of the problems on that review.  Be able to tell the three ways we can use a remainder.  Bringing in notes of your understanding is acceptable.  I can't wait to see you tomorrow.  I've missed you!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Math Fact practice

Hi everyone,
Fact automaticity (knowing your products IMMEDIATELY upon seeing two factors) is so valuable! It will help you with every unit in our future!  You will be so glad you spent time practicing this for YEARS TO COME!  This flash card site (Quizlet) is a fun way to practice.  Remember that multiplication is just repeating an addition problem.  IF you know one fact, you can figure out the one above it or below it.  You can use this site for a mix of facts, but if you want to study one "table" (one number and all its facts), just google "quizlet multiplication fact cards" and you can choose single tables to study.

Try playing the "Scatter" or the "Race" game and try to beat your time every time you play.  Keep track of your time on a piece of paper.  Play with a parent or sibling.  To make it challenging for them, tell them they have to play with their non-dominant hand.  You'll get lots of laughs!!

Have FUN with math!!!  Below is the site with the mixed set:

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Divisibility Rules

You should have your notebook at home to complete the copying of this chart into your notebook neatly.  If you forgot your notebook, find any piece of paper and copy the rules chart down IN YOUR OWN HANDWRITING.  Tomorrow at school you can paste it neatly into your notebook.

When you are done, study the rules.  Figure out which numbers each of the following are divisible by:


Here is where you can find the powerpoint from our lesson today.  You should not try to connect to the links at the end of the ppt.  If you cannot open it, you should get here right at 9:00 tomorrow so you can go through it on a laptop before the bell.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014



Tomorrow we have our test over unit 2 material.  Below are the answers to the problems you had for homework tonight.  You only HAD to do the problems on the front side, but I am including the answers if you need to check the back side.  If you see an error, please know that I do make mistakes, so check the problem and your work and let me know if you are confident that your answer is correct. Be sure to show all work, INCLUDING carrying and borrowing, just as will be expected tomorrow on the test.

The list of what our test will cover is below the answers.  You have (or should have) plenty of materials to study in your math section of your pendafile.  If you are reading this to check your homework - please bring a  note from your parent simply stating that they saw you studying for your test tonight and if both of you sign it, ten Dolphin Dollars AND 2 points of extra credit for the test!!  It pays to follow directions AND read carefully!!

1.  38.7 pounds
2.  1.57 pounds
 $1.96  (round money to the nearest hundredth!!)
3.  $15.11
4.  7.34 meters
5.  $7.40
6.  $28.78
7.  192 items
8.  36.72 mm
9.  11.31
10.  559 candy bars
11.  $251.55
12.  $126

Test 2 covers
  • Reading problems carefully
  • identifying work and numbers to use
  • adding, subtracting, and multiplying whole numbers
  • adding, subtracting, and multiplying decimals
  • rounding and estimating
  • rounding answers using money
  • Checking all computation
  • Including all units
  • Showing all work

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Multiplication Mania

This week is all about MULTIPLICATION!!  Today we worked on the standard algorithm in multiplication.  An algorithm is a method for solving a problem in math.  This is the traditional way your parents likely learned how to do multiplication.  Let's look at the following problem:

53 x 4

When we compute this problem, we are actually adding the number 53, 4 times.  We work on the multiplication by multiplying the ones digit first by the two, carrying over to the next place value what we need to and then multiplying the 4 by the 5 in the tens place and adding the carry over so that we get a product of   212.

You will achieve the same solution by multiplying 50 x 4  and 3  x 4 and adding those products together.  This is known as the partial products algorithm.

For a video lesson on how to multiply by one digit or more than one digit, watch THIS.

If you want another lesson on the basic use of multiplication, watch THIS as well.

If you have no trouble at all doing single or double digit multiplication, please watch this video to prepare for our lesson tomorrow on multiplying using decimals.  Be sure to do a few problems using the "Test yourself" prompt.

See you tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

And it begins....

The day ended with a few little moans and shocked faces as assignment books came out and homework was (should have been) recorded in the proper place.  Below is a description on what the students should have done tomorrow.  All had time to begin in class except for the map.

1.  We started our first word study list (this is our spelling grade).  Notebooks should have come home if the kids didn't finish copying the words twice in the notebooks.  The list should also be cut out and put in the baggy that was given today (that is kept in the word study section in the pendafile).  Study that list and more work will be done throughout the week.  Test will be next week.  We rarely test on Fridays.

2.  Both classes had math sheets that were started in class.  My math class had to do 1-5 on each side and Mrs. Dodd's class needed to do both sides (many finished in class).

3.  Our study of the United States has begun!  We read today about the different landforms and boundaries in the 5 separate regions.  Students need to color the regions on the map they were given using the colors from the book (page 4 or R12-13).  Tomorrow we will discuss the difference between climate and weather.  What do you already know about those words?

4.  Read for 20 minutes.  Be sure to jot down the title of your current reading choice on the reading line in your assignment book.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Day #2

Hi everyone!

Today flew by! I had another terrific day with all of you and I hope you aren't too tired from all the stuff we did!  The biggest thing we did today was prepare for our mastery over math facts.  You created your Rocket Math folder and took placement tests to see where you should begin your study  right now. Even though many of you finished last year passing many level of multiplication, sometimes those facts get lost when we don't use them a lot over the summer.  It's ok!  You will have plenty of opportunity to reignite that part of your brain and move quickly through the levels.  Today's homework is to study the level you are currently on after today's one minute test.  We will talk more about how to efficiently study those levels at home and at school.  See below for more information on our math facts study.

As a reminder:
1.  Your ME Bag is due on Friday. 
2.  Don't forget to bring a pair of headphones or ear buds.
3.  Have a PRB (Personal Reading Book) every day.
4.  Some of you still need to bring in the homework from Tuesday (see blog post from yesterday).
5. I am still missing some Dismissal Forms.  Please fill out the ones I gave today and return tomorrow.  Thanks!

Enjoy the evening!

Did you know that the more you let your brain see something in many different ways and in different places, the better you will learn it?  Have you passed your math fact levels this week?  If you use the time I give you efficiently (that means getting right to the task at hand), you should move right along.  Here is the format for passing through the levels of math facts, including some tips for how to pracice at home:




One minute tests (level A - X)

Two minute tests (pass goal 3 times; different tests)

One minute tests (11s and 12s)

Two minute tests (11s and 12s)



One minute tests (level A - W)

Two minute tests (pass goal 3 times; different tests)

One minute tests (11s and 12s)

Two minute tests (11s and 12s)





1.  Set personal goals for yourself.  Where do you want to be by Halloween?  Diwali?   Kwanzaa?

2.  Make plans for how to reach each goal.  How often will you study your facts?  Will you use a website or flashcards?  Who will help you? 

3.   Take time to reflect on what you've done.  Do you want to change your goals?  Are other things getting in the way of your studying?  How far have you come? Are you celebrating when you pass?

So, how do you practice?  You should have all the level tests and your Otter Creek folder in your Pendafile.  You could ask a parent or a sibling to practice with you at home.  Teach them how to "POP" with you.  It is a VERY effective method for learning the facts and it doesn't take long at all. We can put a video of it on our blog so you can see it.  SHOULD WE DO THAT?  Would YOU want to be a star in that video?   Really, if you spend only a few minutes each night studying the facts (again, everything you need is in the Pendafile - except your smartpal, but you don't really need that), and then use the time I give you in class, that should be all you need.  However, there are sights you can use to practice at home.  Search on Google for "math fact flashcards" and there are sites where you can make your own flashcards.  I even have a few links down the margin under math sites.  Just type in a few of the facts that you are struggling with and PRESTO! you are set with some personalized flashcards and on your way to passing every level you want to!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Our First Day!

Dear kids,
What a great first day we had!  I am SO LUCKY!!  I have not stopped talking about every one of you since I got home.  Sorry for the late post but traffic getting home was terrible.  Let me quickly get to the "homework" for tonight.  Today in class you learned a lot about me.  Tell your parents about the game we played called Numbered Heads Together, including what number you were and your team name.  Do you remember how many tallies you have on the board?  You are going to teach me a little about you with the Me Bag activity that is due on Friday.  Be sure you can elaborate (do you remember that word?) on the items you bring in.  This is one of my favorite activities and I love that you have a few days to really look for items that explain who you are.  And a spoon IS FINE, say if you like ice cream a whole bunch!! 

What I would like you to do tonight is come up with three true or false statements about your family.  One statement should be false and two should be true.  You can ask your family members to help you.  Write them on a paper or type them up. 

Here is the Kid President video clip we watched this morning. I know it was difficult for some of you to hear. I can't wait for more awesomeness tomorrow!!

Monday, August 25, 2014


Welcome to a new year!  I am so excited to welcome in a new group of kids.  Teaching is the best job ever.  I get to meet 28 new Young kids and spend a whole year making wonderful memories with each one.  Please take a look back here each day to read a little bit about our day until our Edline page is set up.  Communication (especially the first few weeks) is very important to me and I hope you enjoy getting to experience our days with us. 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

May 14 math review answers

Just in case the link to my document didn't work, I am posting the answers here as well.  Number 10   should be 5, not 50. Also, #25 could have been interpreted as 25*2 or a total of 25. Sorry for the confusion. On number 25, I had planned on using 25 as the total number of minutes for the two breaks, since it is completely unacceptable to spend 25 minutes on just one break!!  However, as you see, I used it as per break in my expression!  That's what I get for rushing!!

Thursday, January 9, 2014