Thursday, November 13, 2008


Spelling - Unit 11 words - activities for the week include writing the words 3 times each in print and 3 times in cursive (do your best). Also, 10 sentences. THis work is due on Friday. Test Friday

Math - 4th grade - JOURNAL page 91 and study link 4.6
Be sure to line up the decimals and use graph paper(if you have it)

5th grade - boxes

Reading -none

Fluency - try to read through this once per night aloud with someone - it is not due until Friday! Plan your time accordingly

Social Studies - read pages 38 -42 and answer questions 1-3 on p. 43.

PARENTS! I know some of you may think I have gone crazy with the homework this week. I AM giving kids some independent work time in the afternoon (today we had 15 minutes - it gives me time to help those who need it and it helps all the kids learn to use time wisely - good prep for middle school). Please talk to your child if they brought home Social Studies today, your child should have finished that in class, as well as the math journal page 91. If your child brought thesse 2 things home, they need to be working more efficiently in class (ie. not talking or looking around, but focusing on the work at hand and asking for help if needed.)

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