Wednesday, January 12, 2011

You thought I forgot, didn't you??

Ha Ha! No I didn't forget!! Now, three days in a row! I am so proud of myself.

Please remember to bring in your field trip slip and money. I have heard the whisperings in the classroom about this trip and remember, I had a 5th grader last year so I know ALL about 5th graders!! Please, if you have any questions about this field trip, talk to your parent about them! If you have specific questions you would like me to give to the teachers in charge at the health center, just write them on a piece of paper and put them under the bell. Just write R.C. on the top and fold it and I will give them to the right person. No one needs to know the question you are embarrassed to ask is from you! It is very important that you understand that human beings grow and develop..that is nothing to be embarrassed by. You've been doing it for over ten years now!! I do understand that some of the things we will talk about can be a bit personal, but no one will direct questions to you specifically. You are there to listen and learn the facts about how humans develop. There. Done.

Here is our work due on Thursday.
Social Studies - DR-TA worksheet for lesson 3
Spelling sheet from this morning.
Math -my class, the pizza questions (percents, fractions, decimals)

I do not plan on posting tomorrow. I am exhausted after three days of posting!! (jk)
You will have spelling contract work (if you are on contract) and need to study for Chapter 5 Social Studies test next week on Wednesday. Also, there may be some math work from Thursday's lesson if you don't finish it in class.

See you in the morning. Hope you enjoy the little bit of snow we had this evening. I sure did.

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