Hi everyone,
As we move into the 4th quarter, we are going to start a new adventure in spelling, among other things! We will continue to use Edmodo sporadically (that means every once in a while) for discussions and assignments (which I am grading this weekend, by the way!). We are no longer going to do spelling the way we have been doing it. This quarter, you will do your test on Spellingcity.com.
Here are the directions for this (which I will also print out for you to take home). I know some of you are familiar with this site. Here's how it will work.
1. click on the Spelling City link on the right under "Links for this week's learning." This link will always be there so you can access it anytime.
2. click on the "Find a List" tab under the sun in the logo area.
3. in the "Find a list" search box, type in my name, christi grezlik, and hit search
4. find my name and click on it
5. find your current list and click on that
6. choose an activity to practice your words
Here is what our week will now look like and what my expectations are (although they may change as we all become more familiar with the site).
Wednesday- we will get our new paper list in class and will talk about the words, sporadically doing some dictionary work with some unknown words.
Thursday- Tuesday - You are to access the spelling city website and do some practice on that site. While we may find time throughout the week to work on Spelling City in the classroom, I expect you all to spend at least 25 minutes outside of school practicing on this site. This can take place all in one sitting or separated throughout the week. You will need to fill out a Spelling Document each week. You DO NOT need to get this signed. I expect you to do this work and perform well on the weekly spelling test. If you get below a "B" on your spelling test, you WILL be expected to get your blue Spelling Document signed each week. Working on spelling city should not take the place of studying your paper list periodically during the week (which should stay in your home folder as usual), but contract work is not expected unless your spelling test grades fall below a "B." If you prefer doing the 3 spelling activities as we have done in the past, you may still do that and turn that in with the blue spelling document.
Tuesday - Test Day You will take your spelling test on Tuesdays from now on. You will take the test on the Spelling City site and will print it off to turn in for your grade. You may take a test throughout the week on Spelling City, but you may not turn any practice tests in for your Tuesday test. Also, blue Spelling Documents are due on Tuesdays, showing that you have been responsible.
There will also be a vocabulary component to the lists from now on. I will pick words each week that you will highlight on the base and alternate list that you will ALL need to know (no matter if you are on base or alternate list for the week). We will study these words and have random quizzes on these words. For this reason, it will be a smart choice to study the meanings of the words and find games that will help you use words correctly in sentences (that is a free game you can choose under games).
Now, this is something new for me. I may make some changes in a week or two based on how I see it work in practice, and I will let you know immediately how it will impact my expectations and your work load. I hope you enjoy this new ADVENTURE with me!!
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