Monday, August 15, 2011
Welcome to a new school year everyone! This really IS a new school year for me, since I am both at a new school and in a new grade level. I am so excited about the adventures ahead as a second grade teacher. If this is your first time on my blog site, please be aware that it is geared mainly toward fifth grade, since that is the grade I have taught for most of my career. I will make changes to it as soon as possible so that it will be beneficial to my new second graders and their families! My blog is a way for me to communicate with the families of my students as well as a tool for my students to enrich the learning we do in school at home! I will write new posts often so that parents can keep up with what we are doing in school. For now, I just wanted to say "WELCOME!" I look forward to meeting you on Wednesday here at school for the social from 4-6p.m. Hope you can make it!!