Friday, September 25, 2009

Bully Lesson

Today we had an assembly on bullying where we witnessed some fancy magic and learned some great strategies for dealing with bullies. We learned the "FANTASTIC" approach to dealing with bullies. Here is what itlooked like:
F = Friends first
A = Avoid hot spots
N = Negotiate situations (use I statements)
T = Travel with friends
A = Avoid conflict (walk away, say "Thank you!" - sarcasm, Agree with the bully)
S = Share wtih a teacher
T = Talk to a parent
I = Ignore this person (don't give in or "feed" the situation)
C = Count to 10 (Chill out)

Anyone can be the victim of a bully. I am going to share this information with my daughters to prepare them for the day when it happens to them (if it hasn't already, which I bet it has). Knowledge is power here!

Hope you all have a great weekend. Spelling list Unit 6 went out today. Kids should be filling in as much weather info in their weather folders as possible (don't take too much time to do this - it is an informal assignment) My math class have journal page 42 and 43 ( it was assigned Thursday - due MOnday) and the whole class was given the assignment to bring in some artifacts to inspire their writing (photographs, pictures, magazine clippings, advertisements, movie stubs, etc.) Please know these things will be taped or glue into thier writing notebooks, so send them cautiously.

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