Thursday, September 24, 2009

A bunch of giggles!

Today, I determined that I need to always have the video camera on for any presentations. Your kids know how to put on a great show. Especially O.B. and his group! HILARIOUS! We put on some of our presentations today where the kids acted out the 4 types of clouds. Great job, everyone! Today, letters for 3 clubs came home today. Know that there is NO bus service this year for Homework Club!

Here is our homework for tomorrow:
math - 5th - Journal pages 42 and 43
(we don't have math tomorrow due to an assembly, so this work is due by MOnday)
6th grade - 2.3 link

spelling work and test tomorrow

Vocabulary to study for our story this week:
Have your kids tell you about the "I Know, "I Have" activity we did today to reveiw all the vocabulary in the upcoming story!

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