Sunday, October 18, 2009


This week is Cowlishaw's Red Ribbon Week. This is a PTA (Parent-Teacher Association) sponsored program where we are promoting good, healthy lifestyle choices. It is a great week to talk to your kids about how to stay healthy, including eating well, exercising, and staying away from drugs and other dangerous behaviors (especially with 5th graders). We will do lots of extra exercise this week with some fun music, so be sure to talk to your child about what we are doing to be healthy in class. The PTA is providing the kids with a special treat EVERY DAY. Here are the days:
Monday - Pajama Day (I'm wearing mine - don't make me the only one!!)
Tuesday - RED Day - wear something RED!
Wednesday (is PICTURE DAY, look handsome and pretty) - tell a joke day (this is an assignment, by the way!)
Thursday - character shirt day
Friday - Cowlishaw colors day (wear your blue and green)

On Friday, the PTA is sponsoring our Fall Party from 2:30 - 3:15. On Saturday, the PTA is sponsoring the Annual Halloween Party here at school. I am coming (dressed up!) and I hope you and your family can make it. Are you a PTA member? It is so easy to become a member, please just ask me or visit the school's website link to PTA. Your children all benefit from these great events and programs!

Finally (I think!), Wednesday night is a Family Dinner Night fundraiser at Buffalo Wild Wings (right here on 75th Street) to earn money for the 5th grade class gift. A flyer came home attached to the Tupperware fundraiser envelope. You can use that little slip or just tell your server that you are there to support Cowlishaw and 20% of your bill will go to our efforts to raise money for this gift. I will be there from 4:15 - 5:15. Hope to see you!

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