Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Where's 5G?

Today, we began our geography study. This is something we will be studying and reviewing for the rest of the year. We are starting off with basic information:
What city, state, and country do you live in?
What countries are north and south of the U.S.?
WHat are the 7 continents? The 4 oceans?
What are lines of latitude? longitude?
What is a hemisphere? What is the equator?

We have started reading the beginning geography lesson in the Social Studies book. Students are responsible for the questions above and the information on pages G4 -
G11. in the book. Please help them with this information. We will study it in class, but the book will come home for additional study. I will lookonline for sites that can help with this study aswell.

5th grade had the math test passed out today. Before I handed it out, I had the students write a reflection on how they feel they did and how prepared they were. After looking over the test, they wrote how they felt about their performance. Please go over the test with your child. Thank you for any support you give at home on these skills. Today we talked about problem solving strategies and writing about math. Math boxes were assigned and they are due Friday.

Remember that the following are also assigned:
Spelling - 3 activities due Friday
Fluency - bring signed on Friday (should have been read multiple times - both sides)
Culture Doll (see halfsheet that came home on Tuesday)

Remember - NO SCHOOL on Monday!

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