This afternoon, some of the kids and I had an intetesting discussion about a couple of things: 1) how much sleep they get each night and 2) which scary movie is theIr favorite. As you can imagine, I had to put my two cents in since I was the only adult to provide a responsible comment! Some kids (who shall remain nameless) told of staying up until past midnight on school nights, often watching the television in their room or talking on the phone. Of course, I gave them my best parent lecture about how their brains need that down time to rejuvenate and rebuild some stamina for the next day. This is verified through so many research studies! Kids should get 9-11 hours of sleep each night- in my girls' cases, most nights! I know it can be hard some nights, but it makes such a difference in the school day. This little change, which can be mastered in a short while, can change the level of success your child experiences! Another thing that could help make big changes in your child's progress is checking their diet. What they eat on a routine basis affects the amount of attention they can give to each day's lessons and activities. Sending them to school with some protein in their bellies(a cheese stick, yogurt, peanut or almond butter, a piece of turkey, etc) instead of only simple carbohydrates like sugar cereal or toast will also make a difference! Try these changes and see if you notice a difference in school and home attitude. You will be impressed! I won't even mention what I said during the scary movie discussion....I will let you guess my stance on putting those types of images in a child's brain forever! Ok- down off my soapbox!
Kids-if you read this post and understood the three opinions I was pushing with my commentary, you have an idea of one of our future areas of focus in writing: the Op-Ed (opinion-editorial). Whisper to me tomorrow two of my opinions and you're bank account will grow by two dollars!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Long lost blogger...
HI everyone! Yes, it is me - back from the great beyond! Let me apologize for not keeping up on the blogging. Between Thanksgiving visitors, sick children, getting ready for Christmas, and all the holiday preparations, I have just been a little overwhelmed lately! We have also been extremely busy in the classroom, just last week finishing up our Explorer projects and presentations. Thank you to all the parents who were able to come in to help, either with research in the LMC or to watch our explorer speeches. The kids did a great job and they came home today with their reports graded and their presentation rubrics.
Today we began our one week folktale unit. Today, we discussed different types of folktales (fairy tales, tall tales, fables, myths, legends, etc.). This week during literacy, we will travel to the different fifth grade classrooms to have each of the fifth grade teachers present 5 G with a different story and activity. Be sure to ask your child what they did during literacy each day! We will wrap up with a special movie next week that will incorporate many folktale characters.
There is homework for Winter Break. Now that all the research is done, we are moving on to our Book Review unit. I know this is something that is done in fourth grade, but with the fifth graders, we get more in depth and create a brochure using the Publisher program on the computer. By the time we return from break on Jan. 5, it is expected that each child be able to write about a book that is finished over break or that has VERY recently been read completely start to finish. A book read earlier in the school year or in 3rd or 4th grade is not sufficient. Please see that the Book Review form (it will actually come home THIS Friday)is filled out completely. Also, extra credit in writing will be given for a detailed account of the author of the book to add to the book review brochure. Sometimes, this is my favorite part of a book review anyway!! I love reading about authors!!
Here is our homework for this week:
No Fluency
Spelling - Contract for Unit 15 is due Wednesday - test is Wednesday (We will not get a new list for Unit 16 - I will send that home on Jan. 5)
Spelling Bee - our first bee to determine contestant #1 from 5G is this Friday. Every student is to participate and try their best. Study time is given sporadically in class and these should be studies at home as well.
Math - 5th grade math is moving on to our fraction unit. Today we have journal page 122 to do. We will have math homework everyday this week.
Reading - for our folktale unit, read the first folktale in the story "Folktales from Asia" Be ready for an entrance slip in the morning!
Science - we are studying magnets this week and moving onto electricity when we get back from break.
My enrichment group (guided reading time) will take a mini-test over suffixes we have been studying NEXT MONDAY! We are studying these along with a variety of reading strategies during this time.
Next Tuesday, we will open the Treasure box to shop a bit - so earn that money when you can. We also will have our Winter Party. Lots of fun to look forward to!
Today we began our one week folktale unit. Today, we discussed different types of folktales (fairy tales, tall tales, fables, myths, legends, etc.). This week during literacy, we will travel to the different fifth grade classrooms to have each of the fifth grade teachers present 5 G with a different story and activity. Be sure to ask your child what they did during literacy each day! We will wrap up with a special movie next week that will incorporate many folktale characters.
There is homework for Winter Break. Now that all the research is done, we are moving on to our Book Review unit. I know this is something that is done in fourth grade, but with the fifth graders, we get more in depth and create a brochure using the Publisher program on the computer. By the time we return from break on Jan. 5, it is expected that each child be able to write about a book that is finished over break or that has VERY recently been read completely start to finish. A book read earlier in the school year or in 3rd or 4th grade is not sufficient. Please see that the Book Review form (it will actually come home THIS Friday)is filled out completely. Also, extra credit in writing will be given for a detailed account of the author of the book to add to the book review brochure. Sometimes, this is my favorite part of a book review anyway!! I love reading about authors!!
Here is our homework for this week:
No Fluency
Spelling - Contract for Unit 15 is due Wednesday - test is Wednesday (We will not get a new list for Unit 16 - I will send that home on Jan. 5)
Spelling Bee - our first bee to determine contestant #1 from 5G is this Friday. Every student is to participate and try their best. Study time is given sporadically in class and these should be studies at home as well.
Math - 5th grade math is moving on to our fraction unit. Today we have journal page 122 to do. We will have math homework everyday this week.
Reading - for our folktale unit, read the first folktale in the story "Folktales from Asia" Be ready for an entrance slip in the morning!
Science - we are studying magnets this week and moving onto electricity when we get back from break.
My enrichment group (guided reading time) will take a mini-test over suffixes we have been studying NEXT MONDAY! We are studying these along with a variety of reading strategies during this time.
Next Tuesday, we will open the Treasure box to shop a bit - so earn that money when you can. We also will have our Winter Party. Lots of fun to look forward to!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Grateful for a great Monday!
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I have just enjoyed reading all the weekend memories written today about the events over the past few days. I love hearing the kids so excited about the time they got to spend with family and friends, eating good food, watching movies, and just playing! I was also very happy that, even with 5 days off school, the kids were ready and willing to get down to work!
We have a little over three weeks until our next big break. There is so much we will attempt to fit in in that time. Please check the blog regularly to keep up on the activity. Just look below for things to come!
Homework this week:
Fluency - read about racecar driver Tazio and be able to pick out fact vs. fiction (parents - please sign your child's fluency by Friday)
Spelling - new list given today for Thursday's pretest. We are studying suffixes and they are tricky!! Everyone, let's try to take advantage of getting the list so early and everyone make the alternate list!! You can do it!
Science - we continue to study our elements and have a quiz on Thursday. Kids should bring home the yellow sheet and will get a study guide tomorrow.
Social Studies - Final Explorer report will be completed in class tomorrow. We did peer editing in the computer lab today. Wednesday will be dedicated to attempting to write a speech that is no longer than one minute and will effectively "sell" our explorer to our audience next Tuesday. Our speeches/presentations (including a map and picture of our explorer) will take place Tuesday, December 7. We need objective parent helpers to judge and vote on the presentations. Each presentation will be one minute and so we should be about one hour. 10 - 11am next Tuesday. Let me know if you can be here!
Math - 5RK is doing 4.10/5G is doing decimal division with link 4.5 and has a division test on Friday. Practice at home! Study guide will come home tomorrow!
Some other things to look forward to:
Orchestra practice is this Thursday evening at May Watts Elementary School.
Chorus concert is this Thursday (I think)
Orchestra concert is next Monday at Hill!!
Also on Thursday this week - if you did not make it to the parent meeting about our Robert Crown program, there is another opportunity to attend it at Kendall Elementary this week at 7:00p.m. on Thursday. Highly suggest attending if you didn't get to the first one (same presentation).
Progress notes for the second quarter come home this Friday. If your child does not get a note home, you can expect that they are receiving As and Bs in all subject areas. Any student currently getting a C or lower in any subject will receive a progress report.
Thanks so much for your continued support at home.
We have a little over three weeks until our next big break. There is so much we will attempt to fit in in that time. Please check the blog regularly to keep up on the activity. Just look below for things to come!
Homework this week:
Fluency - read about racecar driver Tazio and be able to pick out fact vs. fiction (parents - please sign your child's fluency by Friday)
Spelling - new list given today for Thursday's pretest. We are studying suffixes and they are tricky!! Everyone, let's try to take advantage of getting the list so early and everyone make the alternate list!! You can do it!
Science - we continue to study our elements and have a quiz on Thursday. Kids should bring home the yellow sheet and will get a study guide tomorrow.
Social Studies - Final Explorer report will be completed in class tomorrow. We did peer editing in the computer lab today. Wednesday will be dedicated to attempting to write a speech that is no longer than one minute and will effectively "sell" our explorer to our audience next Tuesday. Our speeches/presentations (including a map and picture of our explorer) will take place Tuesday, December 7. We need objective parent helpers to judge and vote on the presentations. Each presentation will be one minute and so we should be about one hour. 10 - 11am next Tuesday. Let me know if you can be here!
Math - 5RK is doing 4.10/5G is doing decimal division with link 4.5 and has a division test on Friday. Practice at home! Study guide will come home tomorrow!
Some other things to look forward to:
Orchestra practice is this Thursday evening at May Watts Elementary School.
Chorus concert is this Thursday (I think)
Orchestra concert is next Monday at Hill!!
Also on Thursday this week - if you did not make it to the parent meeting about our Robert Crown program, there is another opportunity to attend it at Kendall Elementary this week at 7:00p.m. on Thursday. Highly suggest attending if you didn't get to the first one (same presentation).
Progress notes for the second quarter come home this Friday. If your child does not get a note home, you can expect that they are receiving As and Bs in all subject areas. Any student currently getting a C or lower in any subject will receive a progress report.
Thanks so much for your continued support at home.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Thanksgiving Fun!
Click Here for a link to a great site with lots of THanksgiving puzzles and games.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
The Atom Family
Today, we continued learning about matter. Specifically, that everything is made of matter and that matter is made of elements. An element is the smallest unit of matter. I have introduced the kids to the Periodic Table of Elements (remember THAT, parents??) Please be sure to check out the right margin - Links for this week's learning for extra learning you can find online! Next week, we will create physical representations of an element. Kids are asked to bring in items that they can use to create these models. If they can bring in 3 different, smaller items in order to represent protons, neutrons, and electons, that would be great (about 10 - 20 of each, if available). Acceptable items include cereals, pasta, candy, mini-marshmallows, or other very small food items. Non-food options include small buttons, beads, sequins, stickers, etc.
Extra Credit: How can you determine the number of neutrons in an atom? (We found out that the number of protons is the same as the atomic number. Also, the number of electrons is the same as the number of protons).
Other work due:
Reading extended response for Elena (3 paragraphs due tomorrow)
Math - Open response (don't know how this happened in one day!)
Explorer research - continue online and book research as needed to answer key questions (Last day for in school research is Friday).
Spelling Pretest - Unit 13 tomorrow
Fluency - due Friday
Also, here is the tentative schedule for the Explorer Project (this is coming home as well):
Friday (November 19) - Last day for in school research
(Nov. 20 - 29) - At home research (as needed)
Monday and Tuesday (Nov. 22 and 23) - begin writing report (at school)
Wednesday - Monday (Nov. 24 - 29) - finish writing report with research (at home)
Tuesday (Nov. 30) - Paper due (must include a picture of the explorer and a map of their exploration. Both can be drawn or printed.
Wednesday (Dec. 1) - Create speeches from papers (and maps).
Monday (Dec. 6) - Present speeches in class (we'll need a parent audience for this - let me know if you are available!)
Parents, I believe enough time is being allowed in school to get 75% or more of the research done. Adequate time is being given in order to work on papers (first drafts) in class next week. If your child is not using his or her time wisely during this research time or writing time, work will be expected to be completely at home over Thanksgiving Break. This is not my goal. Please tell your child what your expectations are. Also, speeches will be started in class but may need to be finished at home. I am really trying to teach the kids to manage their time. This is a process. I appreciate your support.
Thank you.
Extra Credit: How can you determine the number of neutrons in an atom? (We found out that the number of protons is the same as the atomic number. Also, the number of electrons is the same as the number of protons).
Other work due:
Reading extended response for Elena (3 paragraphs due tomorrow)
Math - Open response (don't know how this happened in one day!)
Explorer research - continue online and book research as needed to answer key questions (Last day for in school research is Friday).
Spelling Pretest - Unit 13 tomorrow
Fluency - due Friday
Also, here is the tentative schedule for the Explorer Project (this is coming home as well):
Friday (November 19) - Last day for in school research
(Nov. 20 - 29) - At home research (as needed)
Monday and Tuesday (Nov. 22 and 23) - begin writing report (at school)
Wednesday - Monday (Nov. 24 - 29) - finish writing report with research (at home)
Tuesday (Nov. 30) - Paper due (must include a picture of the explorer and a map of their exploration. Both can be drawn or printed.
Wednesday (Dec. 1) - Create speeches from papers (and maps).
Monday (Dec. 6) - Present speeches in class (we'll need a parent audience for this - let me know if you are available!)
Parents, I believe enough time is being allowed in school to get 75% or more of the research done. Adequate time is being given in order to work on papers (first drafts) in class next week. If your child is not using his or her time wisely during this research time or writing time, work will be expected to be completely at home over Thanksgiving Break. This is not my goal. Please tell your child what your expectations are. Also, speeches will be started in class but may need to be finished at home. I am really trying to teach the kids to manage their time. This is a process. I appreciate your support.
Thank you.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Math test and pretest
My math class got their tests back today. Please check the blue test refelction sheet with the test, sign it, and return to school by Wednesday. The question most missed was #16 about adjacent angles, so we had another lesson on that today (as well as a quick lesson on complementary and supplementary angles - do you remember???) There will be an entrance slip tomorrow to see what you remember about the three. Hmmmmmm.....
Math work due Tuesday - 5RK and 5G have math boxes
On Thursday, I will provide my math class with the opportunity to test out of parts of our next unit of study: division. Here is what the pretest will include:
divide by one digit divisors
divide by two digit divisors
divide with decimals in the dividend
divide with decimals in the divisor
check division work with multiplying
divide with no remainders (add zeros in dividend) and interpret remainders
This pretest is optional and will be given while the rest of the class will participate in a slate review of unit 3. There will be no instruction or help given - this is a chance for you to show what you know so re-instruction does not take place. Other learning will take place during math on the days you test out of instruction.
Please be prepared tomorrow for our online research. Remember, you can do your own research at home and bring it in - keep track of (cite) all sources.
Spelling test Unit 12 is on Wednesday. COntract due Wednesday as well. Fluency due on Friday.
Today was the last whole class session to finish the first draft of the memoirs. SOme kids saved their work on their zip drive and took it home to keep working. We will revise and edit those this week.
Math work due Tuesday - 5RK and 5G have math boxes
On Thursday, I will provide my math class with the opportunity to test out of parts of our next unit of study: division. Here is what the pretest will include:
divide by one digit divisors
divide by two digit divisors
divide with decimals in the dividend
divide with decimals in the divisor
check division work with multiplying
divide with no remainders (add zeros in dividend) and interpret remainders
This pretest is optional and will be given while the rest of the class will participate in a slate review of unit 3. There will be no instruction or help given - this is a chance for you to show what you know so re-instruction does not take place. Other learning will take place during math on the days you test out of instruction.
Please be prepared tomorrow for our online research. Remember, you can do your own research at home and bring it in - keep track of (cite) all sources.
Spelling test Unit 12 is on Wednesday. COntract due Wednesday as well. Fluency due on Friday.
Today was the last whole class session to finish the first draft of the memoirs. SOme kids saved their work on their zip drive and took it home to keep working. We will revise and edit those this week.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Thanks to our parent helpers!
Today we began researching for our explorer research project! We had a great lesson with Mrs. Cmielecki on using The Big Six (main ideas) when doing research! ALso, Abby's mom and Rafay's mom came in to help us stay focused and find what we need in the LMC. Even Rafay's grandmother came in and got involved with the class! THank you to all three of you! Tomorrow, we will have more help as we head down and continue our reading about our explorers in the LMC. A trip to your closest library to check out materials would be great. Kids are not allowed to check out the materials since all the 5th grade classes are using the explorer books!
Don't forget - Band COncert tonight! Spelling test and contract tomorrow. Math test for my 5th grade math class tomorrow! Oh, the excitement!! NO SCHOOL THURSDAY!!
Be sure to check out the links on the right margin for the EASYBIB SITE! EXTRA CREDIT!!
Don't forget - Band COncert tonight! Spelling test and contract tomorrow. Math test for my 5th grade math class tomorrow! Oh, the excitement!! NO SCHOOL THURSDAY!!
Be sure to check out the links on the right margin for the EASYBIB SITE! EXTRA CREDIT!!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Exploring the Explorers
I'm excited! This is the week we are beginning our first research project! Today, we continued learning about paraphrasing. It is so important to learn early about taking work that someone else has created and respecting that it belongs to them. The job we have is to take what we learn and turn it into our own ideas and connections.
Tomorrow, the students will get the name of the explorer they will research. Since research should have a purpose and focus on a question, here is what we will focus on during our work:
we need to determine who will win the award for Explorer of the Year
each student will nominate the person who they are assigned to research
work will be done to support the nomination for why the explorer should be chosen
Specific information will need to be found during research. A packet of information will be used to help guide our research. Mrs. Chmielecki will provide us with a clear understanding of what materials are available at school and how to keep track of where we find our information. This is VERY IMPORTANT! Being able to tell where you found your information is REQUIRED!!
Here are some other things to look forward to this week:
Tomorrow is our Social Studies test over Chapter 3. Are you ready to be in the "Hot Seat?"
Wednesday is test day in my math class. Tonight your homework was to complete 1-28 in your study guide. Your study guide should come to school tomorrow and then get signed for Wednesday.
Wednesday is our Spelling test and contract work is due (don't forget the sentences)
No school on Thursday.
Band concert tomorrow!
Tomorrow, the students will get the name of the explorer they will research. Since research should have a purpose and focus on a question, here is what we will focus on during our work:
we need to determine who will win the award for Explorer of the Year
each student will nominate the person who they are assigned to research
work will be done to support the nomination for why the explorer should be chosen
Specific information will need to be found during research. A packet of information will be used to help guide our research. Mrs. Chmielecki will provide us with a clear understanding of what materials are available at school and how to keep track of where we find our information. This is VERY IMPORTANT! Being able to tell where you found your information is REQUIRED!!
Here are some other things to look forward to this week:
Tomorrow is our Social Studies test over Chapter 3. Are you ready to be in the "Hot Seat?"
Wednesday is test day in my math class. Tonight your homework was to complete 1-28 in your study guide. Your study guide should come to school tomorrow and then get signed for Wednesday.
Wednesday is our Spelling test and contract work is due (don't forget the sentences)
No school on Thursday.
Band concert tomorrow!
Monday, November 1, 2010
No School Tomorrow
Hi everyone! As a reminder, there is no school tomorrow. Here is what you could be doing instead (just some funny ideas - completely optional!):
-counting all your Halloween candy and seeing what single digit numbers that amount is evenly divisible by!
-categorizing your candy - explain your categories
-looking at all the ingredients in the candy you got and see if any of them have some prefixes we have been studying
-check out who makes the candy you are eating (it should be on the wrapper). Can you identify which continent this place can be found?
Just some fun! :-)
here is what is due on Wednesday:
Spelling - test and contract
No fluency this week
Math - study guide for Accelerated Math and my class has journal page 71. Show all work and bring the work to class!
Social Studies - review lesson 2 in Chapter 3. You should have completed worksheet 29 questions, created a table on the back of that sheet and listed 8 facts under Mali and Ghana (using page 107 and 108). FInally, add the map to your scrapbook, color and identify the trade routes, and finish adding you your two pages (Lesson 1 and 2 from CH. 3)
Read for pleasure!
-counting all your Halloween candy and seeing what single digit numbers that amount is evenly divisible by!
-categorizing your candy - explain your categories
-looking at all the ingredients in the candy you got and see if any of them have some prefixes we have been studying
-check out who makes the candy you are eating (it should be on the wrapper). Can you identify which continent this place can be found?
Just some fun! :-)
here is what is due on Wednesday:
Spelling - test and contract
No fluency this week
Math - study guide for Accelerated Math and my class has journal page 71. Show all work and bring the work to class!
Social Studies - review lesson 2 in Chapter 3. You should have completed worksheet 29 questions, created a table on the back of that sheet and listed 8 facts under Mali and Ghana (using page 107 and 108). FInally, add the map to your scrapbook, color and identify the trade routes, and finish adding you your two pages (Lesson 1 and 2 from CH. 3)
Read for pleasure!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
November Happenings
Happy Halloween everyone!! I hope you have the best day today, if you celebrate Halloween!! ENJOY!!
There are a ton of events happening in November, so make sure that you look over at the Upcoming Events box and copy the dates and events down on your calendar at home!!!
Also, be sure to check out the Link for the Week area as I will be posting some great sites to ENRICH the study we are doing in class, especially on our explorer study and word study!!
There are a ton of events happening in November, so make sure that you look over at the Upcoming Events box and copy the dates and events down on your calendar at home!!!
Also, be sure to check out the Link for the Week area as I will be posting some great sites to ENRICH the study we are doing in class, especially on our explorer study and word study!!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Homework today
Due to our excellent behavior as a class, we have earned some Game Time for tomorrow. This will take place at the end of the day and the class is invited to bring games from home to play. The games can not be electronic. Board games are fine. Any students who have notes or tests missing that were supposed to be signed and returned will not participate.
Here is our homework today:
Spelling - Unit 9 sheet (most kids finished in class), contract (10 sentences and 2 other activities), test
Math - 5RK - 3.6 5G and 5W - Lesson 3.3 sheet, study only Study Link 3.3 (don't write on link 3.3 - we will do this in class tomorrow)
Social Studies - read pages 100 - 101. Prepare for a 3 - 2 - 1 tomorrow as your Entrance Slip to class.
Fluency - make sure you have the William Cosby passage in your home folder tomorrow. Could mean some big bucks for you!
Also - Tomorrow is RED DAY. Wear your red to support Red Ribbon Week (meaning we are pledging to be healthy and take care of our bodies by not doing anything harmful like using drugs).
Finally, if you are participating in our fundraiser - be sure to bring the pledge sheets and money in by Thursday. Thank you for supporting our school!
Here is our homework today:
Spelling - Unit 9 sheet (most kids finished in class), contract (10 sentences and 2 other activities), test
Math - 5RK - 3.6 5G and 5W - Lesson 3.3 sheet, study only Study Link 3.3 (don't write on link 3.3 - we will do this in class tomorrow)
Social Studies - read pages 100 - 101. Prepare for a 3 - 2 - 1 tomorrow as your Entrance Slip to class.
Fluency - make sure you have the William Cosby passage in your home folder tomorrow. Could mean some big bucks for you!
Also - Tomorrow is RED DAY. Wear your red to support Red Ribbon Week (meaning we are pledging to be healthy and take care of our bodies by not doing anything harmful like using drugs).
Finally, if you are participating in our fundraiser - be sure to bring the pledge sheets and money in by Thursday. Thank you for supporting our school!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Thanks, Moms!!
A HUGE THANK YOU to Mrs. Widd, Mrs. Mack, and Mrs. Sebastian for EVERYTHING you did to make our fall party so much fun. We had fun playing the shoe race game, pictionary, and the candy corn guess! Thanks for all the yummy goodies you brought that we got to take home and enjoy! It is a lot of work putting a party together and we REALLY appreciate all you do for us.
Red Ribbon Week!
Hey everyone! It's Red Ribbon Week! A week to focus on making positive, healthy decisions to keep our bodies in tip-top, blood pumping shape! We are going to do a physical brain break EVERY DAY! Do you have an idea for a fun, physical break? Let me know!
This week, we are asking all the kids to join in the fun and each day will have a different way of celebrating making good choices:
Monday - Be a team player! Wear your favorite team jersey or t-shirt!
Tuesday - Be comfortable with the good choices you make! It's Pajama Day - MY favorite!! We don't have any specials, so if you'd like to BRING your slippers to wear in the classroom - fine by me! Do not wear them to school.
Wednesday - I believe it is Wear Red Day! Wear your red to show that you care about what you put inside your body! Be healthy!
Thursday - Crazy Hair Day!
Friday - Show your school spirit by wearing your Cowlishaw wear (or school colors of blue, green, and black!)
See you tomorrow!
This week, we are asking all the kids to join in the fun and each day will have a different way of celebrating making good choices:
Monday - Be a team player! Wear your favorite team jersey or t-shirt!
Tuesday - Be comfortable with the good choices you make! It's Pajama Day - MY favorite!! We don't have any specials, so if you'd like to BRING your slippers to wear in the classroom - fine by me! Do not wear them to school.
Wednesday - I believe it is Wear Red Day! Wear your red to show that you care about what you put inside your body! Be healthy!
Thursday - Crazy Hair Day!
Friday - Show your school spirit by wearing your Cowlishaw wear (or school colors of blue, green, and black!)
See you tomorrow!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
PICTURE DAY and more!
Picture Day tomorrow! We are taking our picture right before lunch, so no chance for lunch showing up on the school photo! I will do my best to make sure there are no stray hairs or collars sticking up!
Due tomorrow:
Spelling - contract and spelling sheet (ample time given this morning to have completed most of the sheet in class) Test tomorrow over Unit 8.
Math - 5th grade has boxes due tomorrow. We are also working on writing about math.
Literacy - Frayer boxes due for the following words: accompanist, grimaced, and simultaneously. This is a worksheet the students were given ample time to complete in class today.
See you gorgeous kids tomorrow!
Due tomorrow:
Spelling - contract and spelling sheet (ample time given this morning to have completed most of the sheet in class) Test tomorrow over Unit 8.
Math - 5th grade has boxes due tomorrow. We are also working on writing about math.
Literacy - Frayer boxes due for the following words: accompanist, grimaced, and simultaneously. This is a worksheet the students were given ample time to complete in class today.
See you gorgeous kids tomorrow!
Monday, October 18, 2010
What?? More talk about culture??
This week's reading selection is titled "Yang the Third and her Impossible Family." In the story, we are going to see how Yang is challenged by her family's culture and customs and how they fit into the American culture. This week, our test on Friday will not be the standard multiple choice test. We are focusing on the strategy of self questioning this week and the students will need to be able to explain how this strategy helps them as readers and how it helped them understand the selection. More will follow tomorrow about this process. We may even post our first video of some kids practicing this strategy! We'll see if I can figure this out!
Here is our work for tomorrow/Wednesday:
Spelling - contract due on Wednesday/test on Wednesday
Language: We are studying subjects and predicates
Math - my class, #5,10, 15, 20, 25 on the worksheet - also math boxes are due on Wednesday
School pictures are on Wednesday - be sure to send in your money by Wednesday if you want to order pictures! Sending money in Wednesday with your child is fine!
Here is our work for tomorrow/Wednesday:
Spelling - contract due on Wednesday/test on Wednesday
Language: We are studying subjects and predicates
Math - my class, #5,10, 15, 20, 25 on the worksheet - also math boxes are due on Wednesday
School pictures are on Wednesday - be sure to send in your money by Wednesday if you want to order pictures! Sending money in Wednesday with your child is fine!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Please join us tomorrow for Open House from 6:30 - 8:00p.m. Today, we spent a good amount of time listening to our current read aloud, Wednesday Wars. This book takes place in 1967 during the Vietnam War. The main character, Holling, has a special relationship with his 7th grade teacher, Mrs. Baker. He spends every Wednesday afternoon in a private lesson with her reading Shakespeare (while the rest of the class goes off to religious education class at church or temple). It has given the students in 5G an exposure to some of Shakespeare's most famous works. Some of the kids in the class have even checked out a juvenile anthology of his works. If you could foster this appreciation, even to just read a bit of who Shakespeare was or check out a juvenile version of one of his plays at the library, it would be a valuable time to tap into the interest they currently have. It could also create a new level of confidence in understanding a new style of writing. At the very least, ask your child about the book we are reading and what they have enjoyed most about it. One of my favorite parts of the book is the history I can focus on, since this book includes references to, of course, the Vietnam War, civil rights movements, school conditions of the 60's, and more. Today, we talked about the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, and Martin Luther King - all took place in the 60's. Important for you to know in case your child has any questions about why someone would kill another person. If serious conversations like this haven't taken place with your 5th grader, don't worry - they will come soon enough. Which leads me into my next topic....Robert Crown!
Today, a letter came home regarding the Robert Crown program that teaches your child about human development - where babies come from. There is a parent meeting before the field trip we take to the Robert Crown Center in Hinsdale. The parent meeting takes place in November and December, I believe. Having gone through this experience last year, let me tell you I believe the program is extremely well presented and supported with a follow up visit with a nurse. I cannot stress the importance of parental involvement in this issue. Your child will CERTAINLY have questions and you should prepare now for how you will respond - even if just saying, "Let me think about how I want to answer that one...I will get back to you on Saturday (or whatever day you plan)." I used that response a lot because heavy questions were being thrown to me in odd places, like the grocery aisle or in church. Being able to tell Madison that I would respond to her and WHEN left her knowing that her questions were important and I spent time thinking about my response. Please take time to talk to your child about what is happening and what will happen to their bodies, even if you just focus on the most basic developmental issues. Please feel free to ask me any questions as they may arise!
HOMEWORK for the rest of the week:
Math - 5th grade has a Unit 2 test tomorrow and the study guide is due - signed.
Social Studies - Chapter 2 test (Study guide went home today) the test is on Friday.
No Fluency this week.
Hope to see you at Open House tomorrow night!!
Please join us tomorrow for Open House from 6:30 - 8:00p.m. Today, we spent a good amount of time listening to our current read aloud, Wednesday Wars. This book takes place in 1967 during the Vietnam War. The main character, Holling, has a special relationship with his 7th grade teacher, Mrs. Baker. He spends every Wednesday afternoon in a private lesson with her reading Shakespeare (while the rest of the class goes off to religious education class at church or temple). It has given the students in 5G an exposure to some of Shakespeare's most famous works. Some of the kids in the class have even checked out a juvenile anthology of his works. If you could foster this appreciation, even to just read a bit of who Shakespeare was or check out a juvenile version of one of his plays at the library, it would be a valuable time to tap into the interest they currently have. It could also create a new level of confidence in understanding a new style of writing. At the very least, ask your child about the book we are reading and what they have enjoyed most about it. One of my favorite parts of the book is the history I can focus on, since this book includes references to, of course, the Vietnam War, civil rights movements, school conditions of the 60's, and more. Today, we talked about the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, and Martin Luther King - all took place in the 60's. Important for you to know in case your child has any questions about why someone would kill another person. If serious conversations like this haven't taken place with your 5th grader, don't worry - they will come soon enough. Which leads me into my next topic....Robert Crown!
Today, a letter came home regarding the Robert Crown program that teaches your child about human development - where babies come from. There is a parent meeting before the field trip we take to the Robert Crown Center in Hinsdale. The parent meeting takes place in November and December, I believe. Having gone through this experience last year, let me tell you I believe the program is extremely well presented and supported with a follow up visit with a nurse. I cannot stress the importance of parental involvement in this issue. Your child will CERTAINLY have questions and you should prepare now for how you will respond - even if just saying, "Let me think about how I want to answer that one...I will get back to you on Saturday (or whatever day you plan)." I used that response a lot because heavy questions were being thrown to me in odd places, like the grocery aisle or in church. Being able to tell Madison that I would respond to her and WHEN left her knowing that her questions were important and I spent time thinking about my response. Please take time to talk to your child about what is happening and what will happen to their bodies, even if you just focus on the most basic developmental issues. Please feel free to ask me any questions as they may arise!
HOMEWORK for the rest of the week:
Math - 5th grade has a Unit 2 test tomorrow and the study guide is due - signed.
Social Studies - Chapter 2 test (Study guide went home today) the test is on Friday.
No Fluency this week.
Hope to see you at Open House tomorrow night!!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Half Day Tomorrow
As a reminder, there is early dismissal tomorrow at noon. There will be no lunch.
Due tomorrow:
Spelling contract and test over Unit 7
Social Studies - Read lesson 4 in chapter 2 and complete the word descriptions on the worksheet titled, "Lesson 4"
Math - 5th grade has a test on Thursday - please study at home with someone and get a signature on the study guide!
Thanks everyone!!
See you tomorrow (but only for a few hours)!
Due tomorrow:
Spelling contract and test over Unit 7
Social Studies - Read lesson 4 in chapter 2 and complete the word descriptions on the worksheet titled, "Lesson 4"
Math - 5th grade has a test on Thursday - please study at home with someone and get a signature on the study guide!
Thanks everyone!!
See you tomorrow (but only for a few hours)!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Links for the Week
A new section will be added above the Links You'd Like section in the right margin. It will be called Links for the Week and I will update it with links to websites directly related to information we are studying for the week. This week, we are doing reading about Native American Tribes and furthering our studies on Weather by researching clouds. Please look there first if you need more information for home support.
New assignments:
Math - create 5 multiplication problems of your own and show your work. Students must show traditional multiplication, but may choose to check work with partial products or lattice method. We provide access to multiple algorithms, but students are expected to demonstrate mastery of multiplication using traditional multiplication (including multiple digit times single and double digit). Those kids who adequately display an understanding should be challenging themselves with triple digit or decimal multiplication. Use your SRB for help.
Social Studies - Read pages 76-80, including all captions and timelines. There will be an "entrance slip" tomorrow to see what you learned from the reading.
Did you take the challenge and create a Preamble for our classroom? This is due tomorrow !
Don't forget! Tomorrow is Walk to School Day!! Save the pollution a car makes and walk to school if you can!
New assignments:
Math - create 5 multiplication problems of your own and show your work. Students must show traditional multiplication, but may choose to check work with partial products or lattice method. We provide access to multiple algorithms, but students are expected to demonstrate mastery of multiplication using traditional multiplication (including multiple digit times single and double digit). Those kids who adequately display an understanding should be challenging themselves with triple digit or decimal multiplication. Use your SRB for help.
Social Studies - Read pages 76-80, including all captions and timelines. There will be an "entrance slip" tomorrow to see what you learned from the reading.
Did you take the challenge and create a Preamble for our classroom? This is due tomorrow !
Don't forget! Tomorrow is Walk to School Day!! Save the pollution a car makes and walk to school if you can!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Orchestra students, you did a great job remembering to come early today. Band students, you have whole group in the morning at 7:50, so be here on time! Chorus, you should plan for Thursday. All of these things to remember! Try reminding yourself a few times a day what you are responsible for remembering. This is good practice for middle school. What are some other routines we have in place this year that are (hopefully) creating good thinking habits??
Here is what was assigned today:
Writing - 3 weekend memories (due Tuesday)
Reading - Extended Response (you can use your book - this is due Wednesday)
Math - Journal page 47 AND link 2.7 (5th grade)
Spelling - Unit 6 test Wed./contract activities due Wed.
Fluency - William Tell passage (read to a parent, study the questions, get it signed, practice fluent reading!)
Here is what was assigned today:
Writing - 3 weekend memories (due Tuesday)
Reading - Extended Response (you can use your book - this is due Wednesday)
Math - Journal page 47 AND link 2.7 (5th grade)
Spelling - Unit 6 test Wed./contract activities due Wed.
Fluency - William Tell passage (read to a parent, study the questions, get it signed, practice fluent reading!)
Thursday, September 30, 2010
For Friday
Hi everyone,
Hope you are finding some time to get out and enjoy this beautiful weather. Here is what we will be doing in class tomorrow:
Fluency - Star Spangled Story (we will complete the back side, talking about descriptive language in writing)
Social Studies - We will finish our culture presentations and recite The Preamble.
Writing - we will finish our study on the types of sentences (declarative, imperative, interrogative, and exclamatory) by taking a short quiz to demonstrate understanding. Looking through the Sees Behind Trees story and looking for these types of sentences may be a smart thing to do. Time may be given for free writing and addingknick knacks to our writing journal (this can be stickers, photos, magazine clippings, etc.) We will continue our storying lesson.
Reading - We will do an open book test for Sees Behind Trees. You will be writing an extended response for this story, needing to look back in the story in order to support a single idea. Reading the story again would be a great way to be prepared. Be sure that you are asking yourself questions during reading.
Otter Creek - we will take our two minute test tomorrow. Have you been studying so you get a higher score tomrrow than you did last week?
Math - be sure (5th grade math) that you record the time you started your math homework and the time you finished it. We will use this data to work on landmarks of mean, median, and mode tomorrow.
After all of this, you will surely be ready for a weekend of relaxation!!
Hope you are finding some time to get out and enjoy this beautiful weather. Here is what we will be doing in class tomorrow:
Fluency - Star Spangled Story (we will complete the back side, talking about descriptive language in writing)
Social Studies - We will finish our culture presentations and recite The Preamble.
Writing - we will finish our study on the types of sentences (declarative, imperative, interrogative, and exclamatory) by taking a short quiz to demonstrate understanding. Looking through the Sees Behind Trees story and looking for these types of sentences may be a smart thing to do. Time may be given for free writing and addingknick knacks to our writing journal (this can be stickers, photos, magazine clippings, etc.) We will continue our storying lesson.
Reading - We will do an open book test for Sees Behind Trees. You will be writing an extended response for this story, needing to look back in the story in order to support a single idea. Reading the story again would be a great way to be prepared. Be sure that you are asking yourself questions during reading.
Otter Creek - we will take our two minute test tomorrow. Have you been studying so you get a higher score tomrrow than you did last week?
Math - be sure (5th grade math) that you record the time you started your math homework and the time you finished it. We will use this data to work on landmarks of mean, median, and mode tomorrow.
After all of this, you will surely be ready for a weekend of relaxation!!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Homework for today:Math: 5th grade - journal page 37 and 38. Study link 2.4 can be done for extra credit. We are working on analyzing what to do with all the information in a story problem. Being able to identify necessary and unnecessary information is a very useful skill. Accelerated Math has a study link for homework.
Spelling - Test over Unit 5 tomorrow and contract due tomorrow.
Science - Atmosphere Quiz tomorrow
Fluency - we are sticking with our fluency from last week, since the kids have the Preamble to memorize and that is fluency practice.
Social Studies - memorize Preamble to the Constitution by Friday.
LMC day is Thursday!
Spelling - Test over Unit 5 tomorrow and contract due tomorrow.
Science - Atmosphere Quiz tomorrow
Fluency - we are sticking with our fluency from last week, since the kids have the Preamble to memorize and that is fluency practice.
Social Studies - memorize Preamble to the Constitution by Friday.
LMC day is Thursday!
Monday, September 27, 2010
Climbing into the Atmosphere
This week, we continue our study of the atmosphere, learning about the difference between the layers and what can be found in each layer. We have a busy week, so I appreciate the support you can give at home to keep your kids on track.
Today, we had an assembly called the PRO kids assembly, where we talked about how to have good character. Making good choices in school helps everyone have a better experience in school. Sometimes, it can be hard to remember that we are dealing with5th graders, our expectations can be so high. It is important to provide the kids with reminders or a tool (like a checklist) in order to keep on track with what they should be doing. Building good habits now can help your child be more successful on their own accord later. Does your child have a routine of what to do when he or she comes home? How do you check the work that is due? Is there a calendar to write assignments down for both of you to refer to? How often do you check this site for help?
Here are some assignments for this week:
We are continuing to use the fluency passage (Star Spangled Story) from last week.
Social Studies:
Culture activity is due tomorrow (Visual representations must be included!)
Preamble should be memorized by Friday
Study the layers of the atmosphere (in order), know their qualities and what you could see in each layer
My class has journal page 31 due tomorrow (math box page)
Test on Wednesday
COntract due Wednesday
Today, we had an assembly called the PRO kids assembly, where we talked about how to have good character. Making good choices in school helps everyone have a better experience in school. Sometimes, it can be hard to remember that we are dealing with5th graders, our expectations can be so high. It is important to provide the kids with reminders or a tool (like a checklist) in order to keep on track with what they should be doing. Building good habits now can help your child be more successful on their own accord later. Does your child have a routine of what to do when he or she comes home? How do you check the work that is due? Is there a calendar to write assignments down for both of you to refer to? How often do you check this site for help?
Here are some assignments for this week:
We are continuing to use the fluency passage (Star Spangled Story) from last week.
Social Studies:
Culture activity is due tomorrow (Visual representations must be included!)
Preamble should be memorized by Friday
Study the layers of the atmosphere (in order), know their qualities and what you could see in each layer
My class has journal page 31 due tomorrow (math box page)
Test on Wednesday
COntract due Wednesday
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Learning about the Ice Age
Dear Students,
I hope you are enjoying learning about history as much as I love teaching it! There is so much to choose from when it comes to history. Every time I open a book on history, I am fascinated with what I is always something new, even thought it is technically OLD!! I love it! I love looking out at you and seeing the excitement in your faces when we are talking about people from 10,000 years ago. Do you remember what we talked about from the timeline today? Try to remember!
Please take a moment to direct your mom or dad to our upcoming events in the margin!
Here is the work you have been assigned:
Math: 5th grade has math boxes due tomorrow and Study Link 2.2. THe family letter for unit 2 came home today too.
Spelling: We took our test today on Unit 4 and got the list for Unit 5. THe pretest will be tomorrow. Also, you should complete the spelling sheet for Unit 4 (given on Tuesday!!). It is due at 9:15 tomorrow morning - so if you left it at school, get right in and finish it!
Social Studies: Lesson 2 pages 61-63. You will need your 12 square notes page completed tomorrow for class!
Also! Culture Activity is due on Monday (either a culture doll, collage, or the typed newspaper article)
Reading: Fluency is due on Friday - SIGNED by a parent! Remember, do not complete the written portion, but prepare to complete it in class. Look for the descriptive phrases and idioms in the passage!
I hope you are enjoying learning about history as much as I love teaching it! There is so much to choose from when it comes to history. Every time I open a book on history, I am fascinated with what I is always something new, even thought it is technically OLD!! I love it! I love looking out at you and seeing the excitement in your faces when we are talking about people from 10,000 years ago. Do you remember what we talked about from the timeline today? Try to remember!
Please take a moment to direct your mom or dad to our upcoming events in the margin!
Here is the work you have been assigned:
Math: 5th grade has math boxes due tomorrow and Study Link 2.2. THe family letter for unit 2 came home today too.
Spelling: We took our test today on Unit 4 and got the list for Unit 5. THe pretest will be tomorrow. Also, you should complete the spelling sheet for Unit 4 (given on Tuesday!!). It is due at 9:15 tomorrow morning - so if you left it at school, get right in and finish it!
Social Studies: Lesson 2 pages 61-63. You will need your 12 square notes page completed tomorrow for class!
Also! Culture Activity is due on Monday (either a culture doll, collage, or the typed newspaper article)
Reading: Fluency is due on Friday - SIGNED by a parent! Remember, do not complete the written portion, but prepare to complete it in class. Look for the descriptive phrases and idioms in the passage!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Who are you?
I know, I know! How much do I need to know about you? First there was the "Me Bag" activity (done pretty much by yourself). Then, there was the "All About Me" poster (done at school except for one piece of homework). Both of those activities told us lots about you. NOW...dun, dun, DUN... there is the Culture Activity. TOday, we spent time talking about the Star Spangled Banner as part of our fluency lesson. We talked about how that song, our National Anthem, is part of America's culture - mostly played at sporting events. We talked about how America is unique in that it is a country comprised of a variety of cultures. The Culture Activity is a chance for you to tell your story (HIStory or HERstory). Who are you (as part of a family)? This is an activity where you might need a parent or grandparent to help guide you with the history of your family. The pink sheet that came home today outlined the choices of how you can represent this activity. You will be graded on how well you represent your culture. No matter what the activity, you need to include 3 VISUAL representations of your culture (picture, clipping, photograph, etc.). This year, I am presenting kids with a trio of options. You child has chosen either a culture doll, a collage, or a newspaper article (that will need to be typed). I am hoping this will allow your child to express his or her culture in a comfortable way. This is not meant to take a long time. Your child does need to be able to explain the representation to the class. It is due next Monday, the 27th.
Here is other homework for the week:Spelling test for Unit 4 is Wednesday (contrat too, unless you are off contract)
Math - 5th grade has box pages due (half sheet came home) test was graded, reviewed and passed out today - some kids need this signed! Accel. math has a study guide.
Fluency this week is Star Spangled Story - work with idioms. Bring in some idioms we did not talk about for some reading extra credit points!
Are you studying the PREAMBLE??
See you tomorrow!!!
Here is other homework for the week:Spelling test for Unit 4 is Wednesday (contrat too, unless you are off contract)
Math - 5th grade has box pages due (half sheet came home) test was graded, reviewed and passed out today - some kids need this signed! Accel. math has a study guide.
Fluency this week is Star Spangled Story - work with idioms. Bring in some idioms we did not talk about for some reading extra credit points!
Are you studying the PREAMBLE??
See you tomorrow!!!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Motivating words
Today we watched President Obama's Back to School Speech given yesterday in Philadelphia. It was very motivating and as we watched, we all wrote down some of the snipets of encouragement he was doling out left and right! Tomorrow, we will create a collection of quotes to encourage each other.
Today we had our first fire drill! The kids did a great job staying safe and setting a great example to the younger grades.
Tomorrow is LMC day. DO you have any books that need renewed or turned in? ANy summer books that you still need to return???
Homework is:
Spelling - pretest tomorrow on Unit 4
Reading - test is Friday over Hot and Cold Summer. Our main focus with this story is characterization and vocabulary.
Math - 5th grade math has journal page 23 for homework. We are working on understanding square numbers and exponential notation. We have a test on Unit 1 on Friday. A study guide is coming home today. It is NOT HOMEWORK to be done by tomorrow. It needs to be at school tomorrow so we can work on it in small and large group work. We will do review of Unit 1 in class tomorrow and the only homework tomorrow will be the study guide (to study for the test) signed by a parent. This study guide is counted only toward effort. I will not grade this as it is done with partners and together in the class so it doesn't make sense to count it as a grade. It is a resource for the kids to know what will be on the test. On Friday, the class will be assigned a few math box pages as review and those will be due next week.
That is it!
Today we had our first fire drill! The kids did a great job staying safe and setting a great example to the younger grades.
Tomorrow is LMC day. DO you have any books that need renewed or turned in? ANy summer books that you still need to return???
Homework is:
Spelling - pretest tomorrow on Unit 4
Reading - test is Friday over Hot and Cold Summer. Our main focus with this story is characterization and vocabulary.
Math - 5th grade math has journal page 23 for homework. We are working on understanding square numbers and exponential notation. We have a test on Unit 1 on Friday. A study guide is coming home today. It is NOT HOMEWORK to be done by tomorrow. It needs to be at school tomorrow so we can work on it in small and large group work. We will do review of Unit 1 in class tomorrow and the only homework tomorrow will be the study guide (to study for the test) signed by a parent. This study guide is counted only toward effort. I will not grade this as it is done with partners and together in the class so it doesn't make sense to count it as a grade. It is a resource for the kids to know what will be on the test. On Friday, the class will be assigned a few math box pages as review and those will be due next week.
That is it!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Tech Day
Today was a computer day for sure! We used laptops to type up a description of our Special Place, then we did some typing practice on Tux Typing. Later in the day, we checked out our Social Studies textbook online (a sheet with passwords came home already - I will print another to send home tomorrow). We have a challenge to find out the meaning of the word "Cheektowaga." Use your online resources. In Math, we played a game on a great website - CLICK HERE! that helped us study square numbers (you can also check out the link in the Link Column called "Penguin Games"). We read our Reading story today, Hot and Cold Summer, after reviewing the vocabulary and setting in mind our strategies to use while reading.
Here is our homework:Spelling test - contract due (unless you are one of the 10 off contract)
Math - 5th grade has our Unit 1 test on Friday and due tomorrow is journal page 21.
Accelerated has math boxes 1.7 and 1.8 due
Reading - Hot and COld Summer character sketches - test for this story will be Friday!
Also, if you do not have your own set of headphones or earbuds, please bring those in as soon as possible!
Need a dollar? Tell me the following "I've got character!!" before 9:15 tomorrow (and mean it!)
Here is our homework:Spelling test - contract due (unless you are one of the 10 off contract)
Math - 5th grade has our Unit 1 test on Friday and due tomorrow is journal page 21.
Accelerated has math boxes 1.7 and 1.8 due
Reading - Hot and COld Summer character sketches - test for this story will be Friday!
Also, if you do not have your own set of headphones or earbuds, please bring those in as soon as possible!
Need a dollar? Tell me the following "I've got character!!" before 9:15 tomorrow (and mean it!)
Monday, September 13, 2010
Today we learned what a Primary Source is when learning about history. We learned the "We the People of the United States.." is the first part of the Preamble to the Constitution. We will practice the Preamble and will memorize it by studying it in small parts, both at home and in school. The whole Preamble should be memorized by October 1. It is a challenge, for sure.
Other homework:
Spelling (if on contract)activities are due by this Wednesday. Our test for Unit 3 is on Wednesday.
Math - 5th grade - link 1.6 / Accelerated link 1.8 (double sided)
Reading - vocabulary for the Hot and Cold Summer story (pages 20-21)
**You can visit this link to find the vocabulary for the story in THeme 1.
A new fluency passage came home this week - it is to be read aloud to a parent at home and is due back on Friday of this week (do not complete the back). Be prepared to complete the back section in the given amount of time on Friday morning.
Other homework:
Spelling (if on contract)activities are due by this Wednesday. Our test for Unit 3 is on Wednesday.
Math - 5th grade - link 1.6 / Accelerated link 1.8 (double sided)
Reading - vocabulary for the Hot and Cold Summer story (pages 20-21)
**You can visit this link to find the vocabulary for the story in THeme 1.
A new fluency passage came home this week - it is to be read aloud to a parent at home and is due back on Friday of this week (do not complete the back). Be prepared to complete the back section in the given amount of time on Friday morning.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
New Student to 5G
Well, this has been a short, but eventful week! We have a new student in 5G. Her name is Trinitee. We are so happy to have her. We spent some time yesterday getting to know her and introducing ourselves. We used this time to review some classroom and school procedures (good for all after the loooong weekend!).
Today we had our test over Spelling Unit 2. There are 10 people who are off contract - due to their success with the Alternate List. Everyone keep up the great work!
Our homework today:
Social Studies questions over page 6-11 (do one the loose leaf paper)
Math link page (1.5 for 5th and 1.6 for Accelerated)
Spelling Contract - 3 activities due next Wednesday / Test next Wednesday over Unit 3
Please don't forget that if you happen to get a behavior note (gold) or a homework slip (blue) - those need to be signed by a parent and turned in the very next day. Don't forget to turn in the homework you may owe me - you will get a zero if you don't turn it in!
See you tomorrow! Can you believe it is FRIDAY already?!?!?
Today we had our test over Spelling Unit 2. There are 10 people who are off contract - due to their success with the Alternate List. Everyone keep up the great work!
Our homework today:
Social Studies questions over page 6-11 (do one the loose leaf paper)
Math link page (1.5 for 5th and 1.6 for Accelerated)
Spelling Contract - 3 activities due next Wednesday / Test next Wednesday over Unit 3
Please don't forget that if you happen to get a behavior note (gold) or a homework slip (blue) - those need to be signed by a parent and turned in the very next day. Don't forget to turn in the homework you may owe me - you will get a zero if you don't turn it in!
See you tomorrow! Can you believe it is FRIDAY already?!?!?
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Homework for the Weekend??
Homework on the weekend does not happen very often, but there are times when it does, like this 4 day weekend! Iexpect that this work should not take too much time and I have talked to the class about how to manage their time and not wait until the last minute to get things done. Best to try to get it done as soon as possible, then you don't have it hanging over your head! Here's what was assigned:
All About Me: Your child brought home a piece of paper with 4 notes of what they are responsible for bringing on Wednesday. They need one picture of themselves (no bigger than 4x6) they can write a caption about, either a photo, drawing, or clipping from a newspaper or magazine of someone they consider a hero (theyshould be able to write about who it is and why they are considered a hero). Maybe they can keep one of the pictures they recently used for the Me Bag activity. We are now working on a writing activity about ourselves. The final things are one favorite movie and a favorite book and the author of that book.
Math: 5th grade math has a divisibility chart in their notebooks to finish (7 numbers) and should study for our quiz on Wed. over divisibility rules for the numbers 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, and 10. Yes - QUIZ ON WEDNESDAY!
Spelling - This is where you benefit from checking the blog - usually our contract is due on Wednesdays, as is our test. For this week, due to the holiday, I am accepting contract work up to Thursday and our test for Unit 2 will be on Thursday. Everyone is on contract this week - 3 activities of your choosing!
We have had a amazing first two weeks of fifth grade. We have gotten into our Social Studies curriculum, have been learning how to use specific reading strategies, and are halfway through our first math unit. There have been a few homework slips given and behavior notes sent home for a variety of reasons. I ask you PLEASE check your child's folder NIGHTLY and if your child gets one of these notes, please discuss it with them, sign it and return it the next day. This is one of the ways I am communicating with you on what is going on in school. I give time at the end of each day to write homework down and collect materials. Getting the habits down early will make for a better year for everyone. I appreciate your help at home!
Thank you and have a great weekend!!
Homework on the weekend does not happen very often, but there are times when it does, like this 4 day weekend! Iexpect that this work should not take too much time and I have talked to the class about how to manage their time and not wait until the last minute to get things done. Best to try to get it done as soon as possible, then you don't have it hanging over your head! Here's what was assigned:
All About Me: Your child brought home a piece of paper with 4 notes of what they are responsible for bringing on Wednesday. They need one picture of themselves (no bigger than 4x6) they can write a caption about, either a photo, drawing, or clipping from a newspaper or magazine of someone they consider a hero (theyshould be able to write about who it is and why they are considered a hero). Maybe they can keep one of the pictures they recently used for the Me Bag activity. We are now working on a writing activity about ourselves. The final things are one favorite movie and a favorite book and the author of that book.
Math: 5th grade math has a divisibility chart in their notebooks to finish (7 numbers) and should study for our quiz on Wed. over divisibility rules for the numbers 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, and 10. Yes - QUIZ ON WEDNESDAY!
Spelling - This is where you benefit from checking the blog - usually our contract is due on Wednesdays, as is our test. For this week, due to the holiday, I am accepting contract work up to Thursday and our test for Unit 2 will be on Thursday. Everyone is on contract this week - 3 activities of your choosing!
We have had a amazing first two weeks of fifth grade. We have gotten into our Social Studies curriculum, have been learning how to use specific reading strategies, and are halfway through our first math unit. There have been a few homework slips given and behavior notes sent home for a variety of reasons. I ask you PLEASE check your child's folder NIGHTLY and if your child gets one of these notes, please discuss it with them, sign it and return it the next day. This is one of the ways I am communicating with you on what is going on in school. I give time at the end of each day to write homework down and collect materials. Getting the habits down early will make for a better year for everyone. I appreciate your help at home!
Thank you and have a great weekend!!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Don't Forget about That Awesome Site!
Hi Kids!
Hey, don't be mad for the late post! I had to come home, put away laundry, cook dinner, do homework with the girls, get Kenna ready for Soccer, and much more!!
Our Homework:
Tomorrow we will have our Spelling Pretest over Unit 2. Our test for Unit 2 will be NEXT Thurday (usually Monday, but I don't like to test you when you will have been off for 4 DAYS!!
Math for 5th grade is journal page 10 (some of you finished in class) and for 6th grade is link 1.3 and journal page 9.
Look at the post from Monday or the upcoming events section to the right for the other notes.
Don't forget, if you get bored and want something to do, click on this link to Mrs. Batchu's website. She is AWESOME and AMAZING! You can also connect to the site on the right margin links above Madison and Makenna's picture (Brookdale Teacher - then go all the way down to the Peace Garden picture and look for Games 4 Learning). There are some amazing sites for practicing all sorts of things, especially the geography!! Woo Hoo. I had fun with you today and Ms. Collins is excited to work in our classroom (tell your parents about her!).
See you tomorrow! Don't forget LMC books!
Hey, don't be mad for the late post! I had to come home, put away laundry, cook dinner, do homework with the girls, get Kenna ready for Soccer, and much more!!
Our Homework:
Tomorrow we will have our Spelling Pretest over Unit 2. Our test for Unit 2 will be NEXT Thurday (usually Monday, but I don't like to test you when you will have been off for 4 DAYS!!
Math for 5th grade is journal page 10 (some of you finished in class) and for 6th grade is link 1.3 and journal page 9.
Look at the post from Monday or the upcoming events section to the right for the other notes.
Don't forget, if you get bored and want something to do, click on this link to Mrs. Batchu's website. She is AWESOME and AMAZING! You can also connect to the site on the right margin links above Madison and Makenna's picture (Brookdale Teacher - then go all the way down to the Peace Garden picture and look for Games 4 Learning). There are some amazing sites for practicing all sorts of things, especially the geography!! Woo Hoo. I had fun with you today and Ms. Collins is excited to work in our classroom (tell your parents about her!).
See you tomorrow! Don't forget LMC books!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Parent meeting tonight for band/orchestra/chorus!!
Hi there!
Today we began our Bully Intervention lessons. We watched a short video about why bullies are the way they are and what we can do about it. In our future lessons, we will create some role plays about this behavior and talk about ways to deal with bullying. Should make for some good discussions at home!
Homework is the same as yesterday except Math - 5th grade has Link 1.3 due tomorrow and 6th grade has 1.2 due.
Tonight there is a parent meeting (you can bring kids) for anyone interested in information about band, orchestra, and chorus. It is a 7:00 p.m. at Metea Valley High School. MVHS is up on Eola Road north of North Aurora, south of 88. Hope to see you there. At least there is air conditioning! We were melted today - but stil had a great day!
Please continue to send your child to school with a bottle of water, partially frozen if possible!
Thank you!
Today we began our Bully Intervention lessons. We watched a short video about why bullies are the way they are and what we can do about it. In our future lessons, we will create some role plays about this behavior and talk about ways to deal with bullying. Should make for some good discussions at home!
Homework is the same as yesterday except Math - 5th grade has Link 1.3 due tomorrow and 6th grade has 1.2 due.
Tonight there is a parent meeting (you can bring kids) for anyone interested in information about band, orchestra, and chorus. It is a 7:00 p.m. at Metea Valley High School. MVHS is up on Eola Road north of North Aurora, south of 88. Hope to see you there. At least there is air conditioning! We were melted today - but stil had a great day!
Please continue to send your child to school with a bottle of water, partially frozen if possible!
Thank you!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Feed the Hungry!!
Happy Monday everyone!
Parents, today I introduced the kids to a great site for studying called This is a wonderful site where kids can go to learn and practice a variety of subjects AND, in addition to that, FEED HUNGRY PEOPLE ALL AROUND THE WORLD! Please check it out HERE! You can always access this site on my blog as well on the right hand side under the brain picture - Vocabulary Challenge! Some kids today earned over 2000 grains of rice in the short 15 minutes I gave them to work. What was great was seeing the kids who REALLY challenged themselves by trying to learn some geography, Italian, or some elements from the Periodic Table! Fabulous!
Here is our homework for today:
Spelling - Unit 1 test on Wed. Contract due Wed. (Everyone!)
Math - 5th grade has family letter and link 1.2 due tomorrow. Please keep that family letter at home for reference until the test. It has all the answers to the homework for you to help your child!! Remember, your child is responsible for knowing that information each day so don't let them just copy the answers - that will NOT help them on quizzes and tests. 6th grade has family letter.
Fluency - Please have your child explain this to you. This sheet is to stay in the home folder each night as sometimes we practice fluency with it during the week. They are to read it one time at least with you at home and then you sign it and they sign it (spot on the back). We do the questions from the back side during class on Friday, they can look for the answers and discuss the questions with you, but it should be blank on Friday, except for the signature that they read to you! Fluency (speed and accuracy of reading) is an important indicator of reading success!
Art - Please, unless you've already done so, send your child in with a paper bag (to keep creations in) and colored pencils (part of their supplies).
Me Bag - due by Friday (5 things in a small bag that show who your child is and what they like)
Please note the upcoming events in the right margin! I even put it in order today!!
Parents, today I introduced the kids to a great site for studying called This is a wonderful site where kids can go to learn and practice a variety of subjects AND, in addition to that, FEED HUNGRY PEOPLE ALL AROUND THE WORLD! Please check it out HERE! You can always access this site on my blog as well on the right hand side under the brain picture - Vocabulary Challenge! Some kids today earned over 2000 grains of rice in the short 15 minutes I gave them to work. What was great was seeing the kids who REALLY challenged themselves by trying to learn some geography, Italian, or some elements from the Periodic Table! Fabulous!
Here is our homework for today:
Spelling - Unit 1 test on Wed. Contract due Wed. (Everyone!)
Math - 5th grade has family letter and link 1.2 due tomorrow. Please keep that family letter at home for reference until the test. It has all the answers to the homework for you to help your child!! Remember, your child is responsible for knowing that information each day so don't let them just copy the answers - that will NOT help them on quizzes and tests. 6th grade has family letter.
Fluency - Please have your child explain this to you. This sheet is to stay in the home folder each night as sometimes we practice fluency with it during the week. They are to read it one time at least with you at home and then you sign it and they sign it (spot on the back). We do the questions from the back side during class on Friday, they can look for the answers and discuss the questions with you, but it should be blank on Friday, except for the signature that they read to you! Fluency (speed and accuracy of reading) is an important indicator of reading success!
Art - Please, unless you've already done so, send your child in with a paper bag (to keep creations in) and colored pencils (part of their supplies).
Me Bag - due by Friday (5 things in a small bag that show who your child is and what they like)
Please note the upcoming events in the right margin! I even put it in order today!!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Curriculum Night
Hi everyone! I am busy getting ready for your parents coming to Curriculum Night tonight so sorry for the late post!
Here is our homework (it is not all due tomorrow):
Spelling - EVERYONE - 3 activities using your list (alternate or base). This is due by next Wednesday. Our test over Unit 1 is Wednesday.
Me Bag - 5 items to show the class who you are and what you like (items have to fit in the bag - pictures or photos are fine). This is due by Friday of next week - but you can bring in before.
PRELUDE session #1 for band and orchestra is tomorrow morning! 8:15 - school starts. If you didn't bring your pink sheet - bring it tomorrow morning - SIGNED!!
Any parent notes you still owe me!!
Have a great night! See you tomorrow!
Here is our homework (it is not all due tomorrow):
Spelling - EVERYONE - 3 activities using your list (alternate or base). This is due by next Wednesday. Our test over Unit 1 is Wednesday.
Me Bag - 5 items to show the class who you are and what you like (items have to fit in the bag - pictures or photos are fine). This is due by Friday of next week - but you can bring in before.
PRELUDE session #1 for band and orchestra is tomorrow morning! 8:15 - school starts. If you didn't bring your pink sheet - bring it tomorrow morning - SIGNED!!
Any parent notes you still owe me!!
Have a great night! See you tomorrow!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Safety on the Net
Hi kids! Have you checked in already a few times, waiting anxiously for me to post (write my message)? Well, I did tell you all that I had a parent meeting today so my post would be a bit later, but in before 5. While I will try to post right after school, some days are a bit hectic and it will be later. Thank you for understanding! Here is our homework today:
Spelling - Unit 1 (study list and be prepared for the pretest tomorrow) If your parents have questions about this, tell them I will cover it all at Curriculum Night tomorrow at 6:30. The test over Unit 1 will be NEXT Wednesday and 3 activities of your choosing will be due next Wednesday.
Band/Orchestra letter - Today we had our introduction to the wonderful band and orchestra program here in District 204. You got a pink sheet explaining the program. IF you bring the sheet back signed, you can attend the Prelude (further introduction) program on Friday morning at 8:15. YOU ARE NOT SIGNING UP YET, just getting more introduction to the instruments (you get a chance to hold them all and try them out!!) There are two Prelude sessions to get to know the instruments (this Friday and September 2 from 8:15 - 8:50a.m. ON Thursday, Sept. 9, you get to meet during the day with the teachers and pick your instrument.
THAT'S IT!! By the way, that is our code phrase for the day, "That's it!" Keep it to yourself- tell me tomorrow and earn yourself one Koala Dollar! Also, the first one to tell me what I hung up in the room will earn TWO Koala Dollars!!
WARNING - THE FOLLOWING IS A MUSHY MESSAGE FROM YOUR TEACHER : Today, just two days after meeting you all, I know we are going to have a fabulous year together! The way all of you worked together during our Brain Breaks and our Numbered Heads Together game, I know we are all a perfect fit for each other. I love seeing all the help you are giving each other following the rules of the school and the room and I appreciate all the character you are all displaying with manners and respect for other students, our property in the room, and yourselves! Your previous teachers and parents have done a wonderful job getting you ready for my class! Thank you all and I hope you are looking forward to tomorrow!! Ok, mushy message complete!
Spelling - Unit 1 (study list and be prepared for the pretest tomorrow) If your parents have questions about this, tell them I will cover it all at Curriculum Night tomorrow at 6:30. The test over Unit 1 will be NEXT Wednesday and 3 activities of your choosing will be due next Wednesday.
Band/Orchestra letter - Today we had our introduction to the wonderful band and orchestra program here in District 204. You got a pink sheet explaining the program. IF you bring the sheet back signed, you can attend the Prelude (further introduction) program on Friday morning at 8:15. YOU ARE NOT SIGNING UP YET, just getting more introduction to the instruments (you get a chance to hold them all and try them out!!) There are two Prelude sessions to get to know the instruments (this Friday and September 2 from 8:15 - 8:50a.m. ON Thursday, Sept. 9, you get to meet during the day with the teachers and pick your instrument.
THAT'S IT!! By the way, that is our code phrase for the day, "That's it!" Keep it to yourself- tell me tomorrow and earn yourself one Koala Dollar! Also, the first one to tell me what I hung up in the room will earn TWO Koala Dollars!!
WARNING - THE FOLLOWING IS A MUSHY MESSAGE FROM YOUR TEACHER : Today, just two days after meeting you all, I know we are going to have a fabulous year together! The way all of you worked together during our Brain Breaks and our Numbered Heads Together game, I know we are all a perfect fit for each other. I love seeing all the help you are giving each other following the rules of the school and the room and I appreciate all the character you are all displaying with manners and respect for other students, our property in the room, and yourselves! Your previous teachers and parents have done a wonderful job getting you ready for my class! Thank you all and I hope you are looking forward to tomorrow!! Ok, mushy message complete!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Another New Year!
Welcome to my blog!! This is my first post of the 2010-2011 school year!! If you are visiting for the first time, please take time to look through some of my blog posts from the last couple of years to get an idea of what I use the post for. You can access these by searching the margins for older posts. I like to use this method of communication for a few reasons.
1. At the beginning of the year, I like to post homework assignments so you can help your child create good work habits. Please check the site daily to see if the homework assignments I add are compatible with what your child has written in their assignment notebook. As the year goes on, I taper down to posting assignments once a week, since the kids should have developed good, responsible habits and you should trust that they have written all assignments down correctly. I will still post about other things though, so you can continue to check daily! I will be sure to send reminders out to you via email to let you know when to check my blog for updates later in the year when I may not be posting daily.
2. This site is a great place for me to add a variety of links that will help your child access information that will enrich what we are doing in the classroom. I like to add video links that relate to social studies and science lessons, connections to our math and reading curriculums, as well as lots of games to play that will strengthen skills that will benefit him or her in the classroom. Check out the great links already posted on the right hand margin. I will go through these with the class so they are familiar! I will also be able to posts some class documents that you might need from home. If you ever find a site that you think would be beneficial to the class, please let me know!
3. Blogging is something the kids will be responsible for doing this year. They will have their own blog sites to create posts about things they are reading. They will write script for me to add to our classroom blog. Being comfortable using technology in this way is very important for their future. We will be using podcasts and vodcasts (hopefully), once I figure out how to add them. This will allow you to know what is going on in our class and view it and hear about it in a wonderful new way.
4. It's fun!!
I am really looking forward to another great year of teaching 5th grade!! I LOVE
5th Graders!! I can't wait to see the kids on Tuesday, bright and early! If you did not make it to Meet and Greet today, please send your child to school Tuesday with his or her supplies and the green transporation sheet filled out. Please look at the right margin for upcoming events as I try to keep this area updated regularly for your help. See you at Curriculum Night on the 26th at 6:30.
Mrs. Grezlik
1. At the beginning of the year, I like to post homework assignments so you can help your child create good work habits. Please check the site daily to see if the homework assignments I add are compatible with what your child has written in their assignment notebook. As the year goes on, I taper down to posting assignments once a week, since the kids should have developed good, responsible habits and you should trust that they have written all assignments down correctly. I will still post about other things though, so you can continue to check daily! I will be sure to send reminders out to you via email to let you know when to check my blog for updates later in the year when I may not be posting daily.
2. This site is a great place for me to add a variety of links that will help your child access information that will enrich what we are doing in the classroom. I like to add video links that relate to social studies and science lessons, connections to our math and reading curriculums, as well as lots of games to play that will strengthen skills that will benefit him or her in the classroom. Check out the great links already posted on the right hand margin. I will go through these with the class so they are familiar! I will also be able to posts some class documents that you might need from home. If you ever find a site that you think would be beneficial to the class, please let me know!
3. Blogging is something the kids will be responsible for doing this year. They will have their own blog sites to create posts about things they are reading. They will write script for me to add to our classroom blog. Being comfortable using technology in this way is very important for their future. We will be using podcasts and vodcasts (hopefully), once I figure out how to add them. This will allow you to know what is going on in our class and view it and hear about it in a wonderful new way.
4. It's fun!!
I am really looking forward to another great year of teaching 5th grade!! I LOVE
5th Graders!! I can't wait to see the kids on Tuesday, bright and early! If you did not make it to Meet and Greet today, please send your child to school Tuesday with his or her supplies and the green transporation sheet filled out. Please look at the right margin for upcoming events as I try to keep this area updated regularly for your help. See you at Curriculum Night on the 26th at 6:30.
Mrs. Grezlik
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Summer Stuff
Hi everyone! I wanted to put some good stuff on the blog to keep you busy during the summer. Remember to scroll through the blogs from the previous year to review things we learned and to keep those brain cells activated (or at least alive!!!). Also, check out some of the links that are already posted on the right margin of the site! You'll find new great stuff!
Check these out! (Thank you to Brookdale's LMC director, Carrie Ory, for these resources!! Why "re-invent the wheel??")
Reading Incentive programs through
Naperville Public Libraries
Borders Bookstore
Barnes and Noble Bookstores
Here's some stuff that is FREE!
Anderson's books - Author's visits
Kids can bowl - for free -
Naperville Summer Concerts- (June 24-Disney/Family Night)
Clow's LMC site, ABCya
Math sites
Check these out! (Thank you to Brookdale's LMC director, Carrie Ory, for these resources!! Why "re-invent the wheel??")
Reading Incentive programs through
Naperville Public Libraries
Borders Bookstore
Barnes and Noble Bookstores
Here's some stuff that is FREE!
Anderson's books - Author's visits
Kids can bowl - for free -
Naperville Summer Concerts- (June 24-Disney/Family Night)
Clow's LMC site, ABCya
Math sites
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Satchmo's Blues sites
Here are some great sites to teach you more about Louis Armstrong:
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Here are some great sites to study about Roanoke and and Jamestown.
This site allows you to step into the shoes of a Jamestown settler and make choices about where to settle, what kind of town to build, and how to interact with Native Americans. You can see how your choices would play out, and if you would survive as a Jamestown settler.
This interactive site allows you to see animations and maps, read about the history of Jamestown, and meet historians and descendants of the native americans who lived near Jamestown.
This is the Jamestown rediscovery site, and it shows you all about how they excavated the area where Jamestown was, and what they found.
"Secrets of the Dead." This site explores why the people of Jamestown may have suffered something called "The Starving Time." Click on "Explore Jamestown" for an interactive and more information.
This national geographic site lets you explore both Jamestown and a nearby Native American village, in detail.
This is a list of sites that pertain to the mystery of Roanoke Island.
Learn more about the lost colony of Roanoke Island.
Here's a video from the History Channel about what happened to the settlers at the Roanoke colony.
This site allows you to step into the shoes of a Jamestown settler and make choices about where to settle, what kind of town to build, and how to interact with Native Americans. You can see how your choices would play out, and if you would survive as a Jamestown settler.
This interactive site allows you to see animations and maps, read about the history of Jamestown, and meet historians and descendants of the native americans who lived near Jamestown.
This is the Jamestown rediscovery site, and it shows you all about how they excavated the area where Jamestown was, and what they found.
"Secrets of the Dead." This site explores why the people of Jamestown may have suffered something called "The Starving Time." Click on "Explore Jamestown" for an interactive and more information.
This national geographic site lets you explore both Jamestown and a nearby Native American village, in detail.
This is a list of sites that pertain to the mystery of Roanoke Island.
Learn more about the lost colony of Roanoke Island.
Here's a video from the History Channel about what happened to the settlers at the Roanoke colony.
Monday, March 8, 2010
New Goals
Who says goals are only for the first of the year?? I have made a new resolution that I will get back to my blogging, starting today. There will be a lot of news in the next few months, so be sure to check in periodically and read the past few blogs to keep up to date with what is coming up. While I will not put on the daily assignments, I will inform you about upcoming tests, quizzes, and projects.
Upcoming tests/quizzes:
Wednesday - Digestion quiz (Use outline as a study guide)
We have started a new study built around our new reading selection titled, "Hattie's Birthday Box." Today, we talked about some of the vocabulary and discussed what life was like for the early settlers known as "Homesteaders." Click on the below link for information on this time period in history.
A challenge posed to the students today was to bring in an item (or a picture of an item) that is meaningful and has a story behind it. We are going to be discussing how objects hold emotions for us.
Tomorrow we have our last ISAT test in writing. Kids will be asked to write an essay to a given prompt. Please be sure to give your child a good breakfast and get them to bed at a good time.
Don't forget to check out the upcoming events in the right margin of the blog!!
Thank you!
P.S. secret word is your middle name
Upcoming tests/quizzes:
Wednesday - Digestion quiz (Use outline as a study guide)
We have started a new study built around our new reading selection titled, "Hattie's Birthday Box." Today, we talked about some of the vocabulary and discussed what life was like for the early settlers known as "Homesteaders." Click on the below link for information on this time period in history.
A challenge posed to the students today was to bring in an item (or a picture of an item) that is meaningful and has a story behind it. We are going to be discussing how objects hold emotions for us.
Tomorrow we have our last ISAT test in writing. Kids will be asked to write an essay to a given prompt. Please be sure to give your child a good breakfast and get them to bed at a good time.
Don't forget to check out the upcoming events in the right margin of the blog!!
Thank you!
P.S. secret word is your middle name
Friday, January 22, 2010
10 days since I last posted?? YIKES! Sorry, life has been so super busy.
DON'T forget to work on your explorer project. You should have brought home everything you need to work on it. You will have limited time in school next week to work in the lab/LMC. This would be a great time to use your zip drive!!
Some reminders:
Mr. Electricity assembly THursday - 6:16 - 7:30p.m.
Bake Sale service meeting on Monday after school until 4:45 - you must have a permission slip (Any parents can attend - without a permission slip!!) :-)
Please support our fundraising efforts and come to the Bake Sale on Thursday after the assembly!!
Signed explorer form so your parents know project is due 2/3
field trip slip and money
report card envelope, signed
The bell rang and I forgot to hand out the spelling list so here they are:
Base List:
Alternate list:
Have a great weekend!
DON'T forget to work on your explorer project. You should have brought home everything you need to work on it. You will have limited time in school next week to work in the lab/LMC. This would be a great time to use your zip drive!!
Some reminders:
Mr. Electricity assembly THursday - 6:16 - 7:30p.m.
Bake Sale service meeting on Monday after school until 4:45 - you must have a permission slip (Any parents can attend - without a permission slip!!) :-)
Please support our fundraising efforts and come to the Bake Sale on Thursday after the assembly!!
Signed explorer form so your parents know project is due 2/3
field trip slip and money
report card envelope, signed
The bell rang and I forgot to hand out the spelling list so here they are:
Base List:
Alternate list:
Have a great weekend!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Don't forget to take some time to run over to Culver's and eat tonight! Tell the cashier that you are there for Cowlishaw to get some of the money for the 5th grade gift.
Here is our homework tonight!
Share your letter with your family member about helping you meet your goals
fluency - read - study - sign - DUE THURSDAY!
Math - journal page 164 - 165.
ALSO - survey results due on Tuesday next week
SOcial Studies - finish reading lesson on page 120-123 and 124 - 127 and take notes to use in our Numbered Heads TOgether game.
Class Spelling bee Wednesday
Literacy - Woodsong test on Thursday!
Here is our homework tonight!
Share your letter with your family member about helping you meet your goals
fluency - read - study - sign - DUE THURSDAY!
Math - journal page 164 - 165.
ALSO - survey results due on Tuesday next week
SOcial Studies - finish reading lesson on page 120-123 and 124 - 127 and take notes to use in our Numbered Heads TOgether game.
Class Spelling bee Wednesday
Literacy - Woodsong test on Thursday!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Here's today!
Today for our explorer project, we learned how to organize and keep track of our information as we are finding it. We learned how to use encyclopedias and book resources. Please try to get your child to your public library to d osome independent research outside of school. Librarians are always willing to help kids learn about how to use the library as a resource!! This will be such a useful skill for the years to come!
Also, your child brought home the Ozzie's Reading Club form today to keep track of reading they do. They need to read 100 minutes a week for the 8 weeks in order to earn the tickets. This really translates to the 20 minutes of reading we ask that they do each day anyway. I will have a calendar for the month to pass out tomorrow and that will just be a way for you to keep track of it.
Here is our homework for the day:
Fluency - your child should read the passage to you. Take some time to discuss the questions by Thursday.
Literacy - summary is due tomorrow (test will be on Thursday)
Math - survey question and categories (except kids who took the ACCESS test today!
Reminders for the week;
dinner night at Culver's tomorrow - use the blue flyer or tell your cashier that you are from COwlishaw!
THURSDAY night is our 5th grade Family Math Night. Come hang out and play some casual math games for fun. Raffle prizes and estimation jar games!!
No school Friday - it is a teacher work day!
Also, your child brought home the Ozzie's Reading Club form today to keep track of reading they do. They need to read 100 minutes a week for the 8 weeks in order to earn the tickets. This really translates to the 20 minutes of reading we ask that they do each day anyway. I will have a calendar for the month to pass out tomorrow and that will just be a way for you to keep track of it.
Here is our homework for the day:
Fluency - your child should read the passage to you. Take some time to discuss the questions by Thursday.
Literacy - summary is due tomorrow (test will be on Thursday)
Math - survey question and categories (except kids who took the ACCESS test today!
Reminders for the week;
dinner night at Culver's tomorrow - use the blue flyer or tell your cashier that you are from COwlishaw!
THURSDAY night is our 5th grade Family Math Night. Come hang out and play some casual math games for fun. Raffle prizes and estimation jar games!!
No school Friday - it is a teacher work day!
Saturday, January 9, 2010
New Year - lots to look forward to!!
Hi Parents,
Hope you are all staying nice and warm inside today!
Yesterday, we had our first visit from the Middle School principals, Allan Davenport from Hill and Kimberly Cornish from Still. They gave a presentation on the options available for incoming 6th graders. You should have received a packet of information about this in your child's folder today. Please read through this carefully. You need to choose an option with your child and sign and return the registration form by this Thursday. The schools need this information so they can begin planning for next year.
Speaking as a parent of a 5th grader, I understand that this form could be a little confusing, so let me try to help you through it. You are choosing an option for 6th grade only. You are not locking your child into one track for all 3 years of middle school. If you look at the back of the registration form, you can see how choosing that option for 6th grade can then work for them in 7th and 8th, allowing for more foreign language courses or electives. If your child is currently in band, orchestra, or chorus and you want them to continue in 6th grade, you will choose either option 1 or 3. Your child must get the orchestra or band teacher to sign the registration sheet. If your child is not currently in band or orchestra as a 5th grader, they will need to do some sort of private lessons and then will test in to the subject for middle school. The elective classes are defined in the packet, please let me know if you have any questions. Of course, the question arose.."Won't we have to take any other classes??" Yes, your child will have math, language arts, science, and social studies every year as well.
Your child will have foreign language offered to them in high school (it is required) but one of the benefits of having your child take foreign language classes in middle school is that they can earn one year of credit and then in high school, they can begin in year 2 of that specific language. This is the time to think about what you might want your child to have available to him or her in high school (I know that is hard to think about right now when they are still in elementary school).
On the Planning guide sheet with the 4 options listed, if a class takes up one whole line, the student takes that class for one whole year. If a class takes up half of a line, it is a semester class, and if the class takes up 1/4 of a line, it is a quarter class (4 quarters in the year - 2 semesters in a year). Right now, you are just choosing which option you want for your child for 6th grade. You are NOT choosing electives. That will come later.
I strongly suggest you taking time to talk to your child about this time in their life. It is both exciting and scary. Some of them had a bewildered look on their face yesterday as Mr. Davenport and Mrs. Cornish were talking. After the presentation, the room was buzzing as they all talked about what option or elective they are interested in. Of course, we can steer them in the direction we want them to go, but letting your child be part of this planning process will enable them to take some ownership in their education now and in the coming years. It can help them make an emotional investment in their future.
Hope that all helps a bit. Let me know if you have any questions. Just a reminder, our trip to Robert Crown is coming up on Jan. 20. Please visit their website at, click on programs tab, then grade 5-6 program. This will give you an idea about the program your child will experience. Please take the time to let them know you are there to talk about any questions they have now or in the future.
Hope you are all staying nice and warm inside today!
Yesterday, we had our first visit from the Middle School principals, Allan Davenport from Hill and Kimberly Cornish from Still. They gave a presentation on the options available for incoming 6th graders. You should have received a packet of information about this in your child's folder today. Please read through this carefully. You need to choose an option with your child and sign and return the registration form by this Thursday. The schools need this information so they can begin planning for next year.
Speaking as a parent of a 5th grader, I understand that this form could be a little confusing, so let me try to help you through it. You are choosing an option for 6th grade only. You are not locking your child into one track for all 3 years of middle school. If you look at the back of the registration form, you can see how choosing that option for 6th grade can then work for them in 7th and 8th, allowing for more foreign language courses or electives. If your child is currently in band, orchestra, or chorus and you want them to continue in 6th grade, you will choose either option 1 or 3. Your child must get the orchestra or band teacher to sign the registration sheet. If your child is not currently in band or orchestra as a 5th grader, they will need to do some sort of private lessons and then will test in to the subject for middle school. The elective classes are defined in the packet, please let me know if you have any questions. Of course, the question arose.."Won't we have to take any other classes??" Yes, your child will have math, language arts, science, and social studies every year as well.
Your child will have foreign language offered to them in high school (it is required) but one of the benefits of having your child take foreign language classes in middle school is that they can earn one year of credit and then in high school, they can begin in year 2 of that specific language. This is the time to think about what you might want your child to have available to him or her in high school (I know that is hard to think about right now when they are still in elementary school).
On the Planning guide sheet with the 4 options listed, if a class takes up one whole line, the student takes that class for one whole year. If a class takes up half of a line, it is a semester class, and if the class takes up 1/4 of a line, it is a quarter class (4 quarters in the year - 2 semesters in a year). Right now, you are just choosing which option you want for your child for 6th grade. You are NOT choosing electives. That will come later.
I strongly suggest you taking time to talk to your child about this time in their life. It is both exciting and scary. Some of them had a bewildered look on their face yesterday as Mr. Davenport and Mrs. Cornish were talking. After the presentation, the room was buzzing as they all talked about what option or elective they are interested in. Of course, we can steer them in the direction we want them to go, but letting your child be part of this planning process will enable them to take some ownership in their education now and in the coming years. It can help them make an emotional investment in their future.
Hope that all helps a bit. Let me know if you have any questions. Just a reminder, our trip to Robert Crown is coming up on Jan. 20. Please visit their website at, click on programs tab, then grade 5-6 program. This will give you an idea about the program your child will experience. Please take the time to let them know you are there to talk about any questions they have now or in the future.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Read, Read, Read
You have one more week in order to earn your Accelerated Reader points. The end of the quarter is next Thursday, the last day for AR tests. If you have a goal to meet - take care of last minute reading this weekend!
Here are some other important dates to keep in mind:
Tuesday, Jan. 12 Dinner Night at Culver's (20% of your sales go to Cowlishaw's PTA) Unfortunately, I have class on Tuesday so I can't come!
Thursday, Jan. 14 5th Grade Family Math Night - 6:30 - 8:00p.m. Visit all the 5th grade classrooms to learn some new math games you can play at home to reinforce math skills. There will be an estimation raffle and other raffles. Also, a packets of math materials will be available for you to take to use at home. Bring the whole family!
Friday, Jan. 15 NO SCHOOL (This is a teacher work day.)
Monday, Jan. 18 NO SCHOOL (We are observing Martin Luther King Jr.)
Wednesday, Jan. 20 Robert Crown Field Trip about human development (all kids need to bring a bag lunch as we will be eating late when we return and will eat in the classroom).
Friday, Jan. 21 Robert Crown follow up presentation (boys and girls will be spoken to separately about changes to look forward to).
Here is our homework for today:
Spelling test (3 activities due tomorrow-or use a no homework pass)
My math class has an Extended Response to do (T-Chart with what you did and why you did it - a written explanation of how you figured out the problem)
Feel free to do some at-home research on your explorer. Remember to keep track of where you get your information!
Have fun in the snow!
Here are some other important dates to keep in mind:
Tuesday, Jan. 12 Dinner Night at Culver's (20% of your sales go to Cowlishaw's PTA) Unfortunately, I have class on Tuesday so I can't come!
Thursday, Jan. 14 5th Grade Family Math Night - 6:30 - 8:00p.m. Visit all the 5th grade classrooms to learn some new math games you can play at home to reinforce math skills. There will be an estimation raffle and other raffles. Also, a packets of math materials will be available for you to take to use at home. Bring the whole family!
Friday, Jan. 15 NO SCHOOL (This is a teacher work day.)
Monday, Jan. 18 NO SCHOOL (We are observing Martin Luther King Jr.)
Wednesday, Jan. 20 Robert Crown Field Trip about human development (all kids need to bring a bag lunch as we will be eating late when we return and will eat in the classroom).
Friday, Jan. 21 Robert Crown follow up presentation (boys and girls will be spoken to separately about changes to look forward to).
Here is our homework for today:
Spelling test (3 activities due tomorrow-or use a no homework pass)
My math class has an Extended Response to do (T-Chart with what you did and why you did it - a written explanation of how you figured out the problem)
Feel free to do some at-home research on your explorer. Remember to keep track of where you get your information!
Have fun in the snow!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
This week, we have been talking about making goals. We have talked about making S.M.A.R.T. goals (not just for adults). Click on the word SMART to learn more!So far, I have met my goal of doing at least one brain break every day! Why don't you scroll through some of the brain breaks listed down on the right margin and find one you can teach the class? If you'd like to do this for a challenge, read about it and write up how you will teach it to the class. If it is one that the class likes, I will let you be in charge of faciliating (running) this brain break for the rest of the year! There are some new fun ones on there!
Hope you are all eager and ready to get your explorer tomorrow morning. I am so excited for you. History is so exciting!!!!!! Remember there is a link in Jan. 5 post to take you to that great explorer site.
Homework for tomorrow:
Math - my class - link 5.7
spelling - 3 activities (no homework slips accepted!)
Spelling bee - study all previous lists (or packet I gave today) Classroom contests begin next week!
Hope you are all eager and ready to get your explorer tomorrow morning. I am so excited for you. History is so exciting!!!!!! Remember there is a link in Jan. 5 post to take you to that great explorer site.
Homework for tomorrow:
Math - my class - link 5.7
spelling - 3 activities (no homework slips accepted!)
Spelling bee - study all previous lists (or packet I gave today) Classroom contests begin next week!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Exploring the explorers!
Today we really got into the reasons for the Early Explorations. Here is a great website for some information if you are interested:
We are going to begin our research project, where we will learn and share great information about explorers. We are going to learn how to keep track of research and give credit to where we get information by using a "Works Cited" page. Today, we identified 6 reasons for early exploration. Students, you need to know this info tomorrow, so study that sheet!!
Here is the homework:
Study the 6 reasons for exploring.
vocabulary grid sheet ( for 7 words for the story, "Woodsong")
Math - journal work you didn't finish in class; page 135 sheet (the whole thing)
We are going to begin our research project, where we will learn and share great information about explorers. We are going to learn how to keep track of research and give credit to where we get information by using a "Works Cited" page. Today, we identified 6 reasons for early exploration. Students, you need to know this info tomorrow, so study that sheet!!
Here is the homework:
Study the 6 reasons for exploring.
vocabulary grid sheet ( for 7 words for the story, "Woodsong")
Math - journal work you didn't finish in class; page 135 sheet (the whole thing)
Monday, January 4, 2010
Happy New Year!
Today we talked about making resolutions in order to improve upon our greatness! :-)
We talked about making our goals S.M.A.R.T. - which means to make sure they are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely. We talked about making personal goals, ones that connect to family and friends, and goals that have to do with school and the outside world. It is a time to realize that we can be even more wonderful than we are now, but we must make plans for it and do frequent checks on our progress.
Here is today's homework:
Spelling (unless off contract) - 3 activities due Friday (don't forget about that NO Homework pass you got from me!!)
Writing - write about break - many of you turned it in this morning
Goal writing - 2 goals in each section (personal, family, outside world)
Math - my class - the Colorful Spotlights sheet (reducing fractions to SIMPLEST terms)
Literacy - vocabulary grids (due Wednesday)
I hope you all make good plans so that you can meet all of your goals this year!!
We talked about making our goals S.M.A.R.T. - which means to make sure they are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely. We talked about making personal goals, ones that connect to family and friends, and goals that have to do with school and the outside world. It is a time to realize that we can be even more wonderful than we are now, but we must make plans for it and do frequent checks on our progress.
Here is today's homework:
Spelling (unless off contract) - 3 activities due Friday (don't forget about that NO Homework pass you got from me!!)
Writing - write about break - many of you turned it in this morning
Goal writing - 2 goals in each section (personal, family, outside world)
Math - my class - the Colorful Spotlights sheet (reducing fractions to SIMPLEST terms)
Literacy - vocabulary grids (due Wednesday)
I hope you all make good plans so that you can meet all of your goals this year!!
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