I know, I know! How much do I need to know about you? First there was the "Me Bag" activity (done pretty much by yourself). Then, there was the "All About Me" poster (done at school except for one piece of homework). Both of those activities told us lots about you. NOW...dun, dun, DUN... there is the Culture Activity. TOday, we spent time talking about the Star Spangled Banner as part of our fluency lesson. We talked about how that song, our National Anthem, is part of America's culture - mostly played at sporting events. We talked about how America is unique in that it is a country comprised of a variety of cultures. The Culture Activity is a chance for you to tell your story (HIStory or HERstory). Who are you (as part of a family)? This is an activity where you might need a parent or grandparent to help guide you with the history of your family. The pink sheet that came home today outlined the choices of how you can represent this activity. You will be graded on how well you represent your culture. No matter what the activity, you need to include 3 VISUAL representations of your culture (picture, clipping, photograph, etc.). This year, I am presenting kids with a trio of options. You child has chosen either a culture doll, a collage, or a newspaper article (that will need to be typed). I am hoping this will allow your child to express his or her culture in a comfortable way. This is not meant to take a long time. Your child does need to be able to explain the representation to the class. It is due next Monday, the 27th.
Here is other homework for the week:Spelling test for Unit 4 is Wednesday (contrat too, unless you are off contract)
Math - 5th grade has box pages due (half sheet came home) test was graded, reviewed and passed out today - some kids need this signed! Accel. math has a study guide.
Fluency this week is Star Spangled Story - work with idioms. Bring in some idioms we did not talk about for some reading extra credit points!
Are you studying the PREAMBLE??
See you tomorrow!!!
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