Homework on the weekend does not happen very often, but there are times when it does, like this 4 day weekend! Iexpect that this work should not take too much time and I have talked to the class about how to manage their time and not wait until the last minute to get things done. Best to try to get it done as soon as possible, then you don't have it hanging over your head! Here's what was assigned:
All About Me: Your child brought home a piece of paper with 4 notes of what they are responsible for bringing on Wednesday. They need one picture of themselves (no bigger than 4x6) they can write a caption about, either a photo, drawing, or clipping from a newspaper or magazine of someone they consider a hero (theyshould be able to write about who it is and why they are considered a hero). Maybe they can keep one of the pictures they recently used for the Me Bag activity. We are now working on a writing activity about ourselves. The final things are one favorite movie and a favorite book and the author of that book.
Math: 5th grade math has a divisibility chart in their notebooks to finish (7 numbers) and should study for our quiz on Wed. over divisibility rules for the numbers 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, and 10. Yes - QUIZ ON WEDNESDAY!
Spelling - This is where you benefit from checking the blog - usually our contract is due on Wednesdays, as is our test. For this week, due to the holiday, I am accepting contract work up to Thursday and our test for Unit 2 will be on Thursday. Everyone is on contract this week - 3 activities of your choosing!
We have had a amazing first two weeks of fifth grade. We have gotten into our Social Studies curriculum, have been learning how to use specific reading strategies, and are halfway through our first math unit. There have been a few homework slips given and behavior notes sent home for a variety of reasons. I ask you PLEASE check your child's folder NIGHTLY and if your child gets one of these notes, please discuss it with them, sign it and return it the next day. This is one of the ways I am communicating with you on what is going on in school. I give time at the end of each day to write homework down and collect materials. Getting the habits down early will make for a better year for everyone. I appreciate your help at home!
Thank you and have a great weekend!!
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