I hope everyone is keeping cool. I am sitting here in the room with three fans currently turned on me as I write this! It was a good decision made by the district to keep the kids out of the room today as I don't plan on spending too much time in here this morning and by this afternoon, it will be miserable up here. Enjoy the day off.
As a reminder, we also do not have school on Monday (Labor Day) OR Tuesday (Building Articulation Day). I know many parents wonder what these articulation days are exactly. These days are a time for grade level teams to talk to each other about how to best help students succeed in their current grade level and be better prepared for the next grade level. Talking to other teachers early in the year like this helps me understand what your child was exposed to and experienced in first grade and what they need to know and be able to do in third grade. These are not days for teachers to work in their rooms, it is a very productive day and benefits the students greatly. I just thought you might like to know that. So, I will look forward to seeing the kids next Wednesday, Sept. 7 (late start day).
We will have our first Word Wall test next Thursday. Your child has a list of words in the home binder, right on the back of the assignment sheet. Please be sure to check this EVERY NIGHT and sign when your child has completed the reading and work. Each week, we will have different items on the assignment sheet. Also, your child may not have finished an assignment and it will be written on that sheet. Your child needs your help to develop good organizational skills. A habit usually takes about 2 months of consistent participation in the behavior, so after a couple months (ideally), you could have created a habit that your child will carry with them for the rest of their lives. Let me know how this works for you. :-) In the meantime, if your child happens to not complete their homework, they may come home with a "Yikes!" note as a reminder to complete it. Thanks for your support!
I look forward to seeing you on Monday, Sept. 12 at 6:30 for our Curriculum Night. This is for parents only, so make arrangements for your child(ren) now. This is an evening for me to share what we will be doing in all subject areas this year and how you can help at home.
The homework for this weekend will be to read 10 minutes each day and cut out the money (3 green sheets) that was sent home. I like to send this busy work home so we can focus on learning in the classroom. Thank you for taking the time to see that it gets done and placed in the sandwich baggy that came home as well.
Have a wonderful Labor Day and loooonnnnggg weekend!
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