Friday, September 16, 2011

Some links for this weekend....

We had a very busy week in 2G. Please be sure to check your child's home binder today. While I gather the homework sheets on Friday to check parent initials, some kids have work to do that was not completed today in class or they just need some extra practice doing.

Every child could benefit from practicing their Otter Creek flashcards up to their level. The goal is to say the sum automatically, without hesitation. If your child takes more than three seconds, have them repeat the fact aloud three times. Another area of daily study could be practicing the Words their Way cards in their zipped pouch in the back of their binder. Finally, reading a book that is at your child's reading level is very important. I have assessed the kids this week and will be sharing their reading level on the progress report next Friday. If you need books at home that are at your child's level, take this level to your local library and ask the librarian for help in finding appropriate books. Always let your child pick books that he or she is interested in, but insist on having a book that is at the correct reading level as well. It will help them build confidence and automaticity.

Did you know that the Bookmobile will be available in front of the school on some Saturday's beginning next Saturday (the24th)?? I can't come that first day but I plan on coming one Saturday and will let you know. I can't remember the time- will add that this week.

Here is an easy way to work on some sight word practice- click here, make your choices, and click start now!

If you are proficient (which means pretty good) with your sight words, try this sight to challenge yourself with new vocabulary! You will get smarter and earn rice for people who are hungry, all at the same time. It is so fun!!

Have a great weekend!!

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