Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Game Board Mania!

Just as a reminder that our final class work time for game boards will be tomorrow. You will have some time tomorrow during literacy and some time in the afternoon. Be sure, if you haven't already, to bring in your game board letter - signed by a parent. You will not be allowed to work tomorrow if you do not have the letter by a parent. Bring any materials you need to work on the board components for tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Revolutionary War Board Game

We have finished Chapter 9 in Social Studies and will test over the chapter on Friday, April 15.
In addition, we have started a project where your child will be responsible for creating a board game that uses events, people, and places from the Revolutionary Way (before, during, and after). They have a simple packet of explanations in their home folder that includes a rubric that will be used to grade it.
It was given as an option to work alone or with a partner. Materials for the board game will need to be provided by you. This includes poster board(s), items to use as tokens, index cards to use for question cards, markers, dice, spinners, etc. I will allow some time for this project in class, but work will also need to be done at home.
The board game and all the necessary components will be due on Tuesday, April 26. Please discuss this project with your child. This is an opportunity for your child to understand time management when it comes to project work.

Here is a site to look online for ideas.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

5G on NCTV

Hi everyone,
Here is the link to the NCTV interview. If you click on the video for the weekly news (should be in the box on the right), our story isn about 8:20 into the news. Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Excitement in 5G

Hi there, everyone!
We had a very exciting afternoon in our classroom! We had a reporter come in to film our classroom and interview me and Shiksha about the Red Cross collection. Shiksha did a great job. The videographer spent time filming our afternoon literacy lesson on schools of the future before we had our interview. It was a great opportunity to let the kids experience what a news reporter does up close. I was sad the whole class did not get to be in the room for it, but most of the class was and it was just the time it could be done. Unforunately, I cannot get the picture to upload of the interview, so I will attempt to put it on tomorrow.

As a reminder - the Family Math Night that was supposed to take place this Thursday has been rescheduled for APril 28. Hope you can all make it - it will be a very fun night!!

Parent Night at Hill Middle School is still on for this Thursday from 7 - 8:30p.m. Please try to make plans to attend. This is a very valuable evening, especially for parents new to Hill.

FINALLY - a challenge was placed on the kids today to learn all 50 states and their capitals. There are plenty of links here on my blog to find online help to study the states. We will be working on these in the class but most of the studying will need to be done at home. By the end of May, your child is expected to know all 50 states, identify them on a map, and tell the name of the capitals. THEY CAN DO IT!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Happy Spring!

Hi there! So much to say on this first day back from Spring Break!

First, I would like to say congratulations to the whole class for helping our school collect money for the Red Cross. Due to our efforts together, we raised $1,413,37 in one week's time! That is amazing and will help many people in need.

We are starting another collection beginning this week, called "Pennies for Autism." We have already collected $5.00 in pennies!! Kids can bring in their coing to the milk jug and the class who raises the most for this fundraiser gets a movie and popcorn party! Let's go, 5G!

This week, we are moving in to the Revolutionary War (Chapter 9). We are going to read about many important people and events that happened to bring freedom to the United States! There is a great new site on the links to check out (we looked at it a bit today!).
