Friday, August 31, 2012

A few notes....

Please check your child's backpack this weekend for a red note and the Grezlik Gazette, written by your child in the composition notebook.  Please read this weekly newsletter and make a brief response and sign, right at the end of the newsletter.  It's been a great week in 5G!  Take some time to talk to your child about what's going on in school.

If you would like to order spirit wear this year, you can find all the information and pictures of the clothing online at   Click online stores on the left, find Nancy Young, enter the access code "Dolphins12" and be sure to use a capital D.  You must use Visa or Mastercard.  The site is secure and if you want to check the sizing, there are samples of each item at the school.  Get your sale in by September 25 - orders will take about 3 weeks and be delivered to the school.  This helps to support our wonderful PTA!!

Even with the cooler weather next week, continue to send water in daily for your child.  Also be sure the water bottle (if reusable) comes home for a thorough cleaning nightly! 

Have a great long weekend!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

How much can you do in one day....

There is so much learning that takes place in our classroom that does not follow the schedule on the board in the morning.   Here is what today's schedule looked like (including some learning targets - or expectations).  What we did in and around the parameters of this is astounding.  I wish I could have a person follow us around for one day and witness and record what the kids learn (and teach) throughout the day. 

Ask your child about the following things that happened today:
- creating a table in word (why do we use this tool?)
- where does punctuation belong in a quotation?
- What can we find inside the pulp of our teeth?
- What is a "savvy?" Mibs' "savvy?"  This is from our read aloud.  No one should be reading the book Savvy at home, this is a read aloud book.
- If you are in my math class, what technique did I use to learn all the new kids' names today?
- What did we learn about note-taking today during our writing lesson?
- Who won for the best notes and why did these two stand out about the others?

Remind your child that:
Reading logs are going to be checked tomorrow.
Assignment book signatures will be checked as well.
Gym Club (intramurals) begin tomorrow (8am)

Homework due tomorrow:
Reading - log 20 minutes (including reading the story in the green Harcourt book "Hot and Cold Summer")  ALSO - finish the Character Dissection table we did in lab today.  If you don't have a  zip drive, you can easily create one on paper or create a new one at home and have a parent email it to me.  Our Hot and COld" test will be next week.

Math - 5G class (Accel) needs to complete evens OR odds in the journal page 2-3 using the SRB. 
5R needs to do the multiplication practice with the traditional algorithm (no lattice).

STUDY MATH FACTS  (at your level)                                          

Word Work - Sort test tomorrow and 10 sentences due tomorrow.  Possibly do a practice test at home.                                                                                                                                 

I might be missing something, but remember this is just an extra resource for helping you adjust to life as a 5th grader.  I will not write homework here every day, all year.  I may miss a day or a piece of information.  You are ULTIMATELY RESPONSIBLE!!  See you tomorrow!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Ideas Needed!

Please remember to attend the band and orchestra meeting tonight at Metea at 7 - if you have a child interested in participating in band and orchestra.

Homework tonight:
Reading log - 20 minutes and reading survey (both sides)

Words their Way - sort words 3 times.  You can do a basic sort, abc sort, writing sort, speed sort, syllable sort, spell sort, YOU CHOOSE!  There is no written work for you to turn in.

Students should have brought home their writing notebook.  We had time in class to generate a list of writing ideas but kids should ask for ideas at home as well. There is no set amount.

Math Fact practice - ask your child what level of math facts he or she is on.  We will test again tomorrow in class.  You will not see a paper copy at home since we are using a plastic "SmartPal" so paper consumption is minimal as we move through the levels.

Our curriculum packet will come home next Wednesday so many more questions can be answered before Curriculum Night the end of next month.  Please email me if you have any questions about anything before the packet comes home.  A note or phone call would be fine, too!  :-)

By the way - if you check this blog, please tell your child that I had Chinese food for dinner. Thanks!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The digestive system....

Well, although the intention today was to begin our study of the digestive system with the beginning of the digestive system, 5G students quickly took things to the END of the digestive system - causing some laughter at the end of the day (although there was laughter in other parts as well).  SOme informal homework for this evening is to eat a few different things while looking in the mirror and notice which teeth you use for different jobs.

Other HOMEWORK today includes:

  1. Finish the 7 definitions for reading.  Be sure to list either the guide words or the source of your information in parentheses right after the definition (example: (
  2. Log your 20 minutes of reading.  While the log is due on Friday, logs will be randomly checked throughout the week.
  3. Write your paragraph detailing one item from your Top Ten list.  Elaborate on the who, why, where, when, how, what, and more!  Try to include a topic sentence  and a closing sentence.
  4. 10 Word Sort sentences are DUE FRIDAY (choose 10 words from the word sort bag to use in a sentence each) - be sure to use the rubric at the bottom of the given page to help you know my expectations!  Use the back for more room or another sheet of paper.
  5. All kids should study math facts at their own level and with the resource that works best for them.  There are resources on my blog that can help.  Some kids did not pass their first Rocket Math test and so should be taking that level test home in their math section nightly until it is passed.

As a reminder, there is a student council meeting (brief) tomorrow after school.  If you cannot stay but are still interested, please see Mr. Maldonado or Mrs. Carney for more information during the school day (ask your teacher).

Monday, August 27, 2012

Hope everyone is excited to try out the instruments at tomorrow morning's first "Prelude" meeting, a chance to try out the instruments to help you make a decision for band or orchestra.  The meeting is from 7:50a.m -8:50a.m.  Try it!  You'll like it!

Today, the students received their first reading log (should be kept in the reading section of the pendafile).  This is a place where daily reading for homework should be recorded.  Kids can make up their own genre abbreviations.  This log will be checked every Friday.  Also, be sure to sign the assignment notebook every day.  This will also be checked on Fridays.

While some kids finished, others have to complete their first drafts of the Top Ten List.  This is a list of things the kids want others to know about them.  They had time to start in class.  Be sure your items are numbered, with #1 being the MOST important thing we should know about you!

Our first (practice) word list came home today.  We will go over the weekly expectation for this group of words tomorrow.  Today, the list was introduced and the kids need to have the words cut and numbered and keep the baggy in the WtW section. We will test on this list on Friday.

Have a great evening!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Reminders for Monday

I hope everyone has enjoyed a restful weekend, especially on this rainy Sunday!  Just a few reminders for this week:

1.  If you have any notes still due in, please return as soon as possible (i.e. green Dismissal Plan note, green Student Information sheet, pink blog permission form).

2.  The kids were introduced to the band and orchestra teachers on Friday.  If your child is interested in participating, see the green sheet that is in the Take Home section of the pendafile. The note of interest is to be signed and returned tomorrow.   Tuesday morning (7:50a.m.) is the first of three "Prelude" sessions, where the students can become familiar with the various instruments before making an official decision.  I highly recommend joining one or the other.  The music program in this district is STELLAR and research supports the strong connection between music and learning!

3.  If your child is interested in Student Council this year, there is a brief meeting about it right after school on Wednesday, just until 4:00p.m.  You are responsible for arranging transportation home after the meeting.

4.  Please take a close look at our Speciasl Schedule in the right margin so your child knows when to bring gym shoes! 

5.  Homework will begin tomorrow.  Please develop a routine with your 5th grader about where to place the ASSIGNMENT NOTEBOOK right when he or she gets home so that you can see it and sign it each day.  Also, any papers that are in the "Take Home" section of the pendafile should be looked at carefully and either stay home or be signed and returned the next day.  This Friday, you will see the Friday Folder for the first time.  The Friday Folder holds both graded and non-graded work so that you can see how your child is performing in class.

Finally, if you have not yet joined the Young PTA, please consider doing so.  Your investment in the PTA will be enjoyed by all the kids (and staff) at Young School.  The PTA does so much for the school in the area of special events, class parties, field trips, and sooooo much more.  PLEASE JOIN THE PTA!!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

First Day!

We had a busy day at school today!  What a great group of kids!  I can just tell this is going to be a fabulous year!  While the kids do not have homework tonight (I told them to enjoy the transition back to school), the parents do have some homework.  Sent home today was a green Student Information sheet (except for those 4 parents who printed from the blog), a pink blog permission form, and a letter from Mr. Maldonado about Intramural Club.  Please fill those things out and return tomorrow.  On the green sheet, please let me know if there is anything you need me to know about your child. You can also call me or email me anytime with questions, concerns, or suggestions on how to best meet the needs of your child!  In addition, return the green transportation sheet from the registration materials so we know how your child is supposed to go home each day.  If there is a change in the dismissal plan, please email or call me or the office.

Even though our lunch time is right in the middle of the day, there will be snack time offered in 5th grade.  We are requesting that if your fifth grader needs a snack (lunch is at 11:45), they should bring fruit or a vegetable only. Fruit snacks that are labeled 100% fruit will be allowed.  Some days, the best time for snack will be right after recess during read aloud or after our afternoon special.  We talked about how snack is optional and kids should come to school after having a balanced breakfast and a plan for a healthy lunch.  Thanks in advance for supporting this at home.

If you haven't noticed, our Curriculum Night is not scheduled until September 24 (see the Upcoming Events Tab on the home page).  Next Friday, I will send home the Curriculum Packet for you to read through and sign.  Please let me know if you have any questions regarding any subject or policies in the packet.

Finally, if you are on this blog, you have an interest in your child's day. If you have initiated conversation about their first day of fifth grade and have received the obligatory, "It was fine!" please ask them about the following items to see what they have to say:

  1. The rainbow behavior chart
  2. The Paper Clip Chain
  3. Our discussion about my daughters
  4. "Check your feet!"
  5. Clap Spelling
I look forward to another great day tomorrow!  While it is nice to say, "Tomorrow's Friday!" I look forward to a full week next week so we can get through all the business of preparing our desks and books and notebooks and get right into some fun learning activities!!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Welcome to my blog, my first post of the 2012-2013 school year!!  I have spent a good deal of the day uploading some pictures of our classroom, my family, and adding some documents to the home page and just generally having some fun with some of the new features on blogger.  If this is your first time here, take some time to look around and learn a little bit about me and how this blog should be used.  Please consider scrolling down to the bottom right side and adding your email address.  All this does is notify you of when any new material is added.  Some parents have commented that they appreciated getting a notification so they knew when to check in.  Try it!  Now, for some reasons why I love to blog.... 

1. At the beginning of the year, I like to use the blog to post homework assignments so you can help your child create good work habits. Please check the site daily to see if the homework assignments I add are compatible with what your child has written in their assignment notebook. As the year goes on, I taper down to posting assignments periodically, since the kids should have developed good, responsible habits and you should trust that they have written all assignments down correctly. I will still post about other things though, so you can continue to check daily! I will be sure to send reminders out to you via email to let you know when to check my blog for updates later in the year when I may not be posting daily.  Again, if you add your email to my blog - you'll receive automatic notification!

2. This site is a great place for me to add a variety of links that will help your child access information that will enrich what we are doing in the classroom. I like to add video links that relate to social studies and science lessons, connections to our math and reading curriculums, as well as lots of games to play that will strengthen skills that will benefit him or her in the classroom. Check out the great links already posted on the right hand margin. I will go through these with the class so they are familiar! I will also be able to posts some class documents that you might need from home. If you ever find a site that you think would be beneficial to the class, please let me know!  Some of my best material has come from parents and students and I am so grateful for the assistance.

3. Blogging is something the kids will join in doing this year, among other fun technology activities.  They will write script for me to add to our classroom blog and will learn how to do it themselves.  While our blog is open, it is only accessed by people who have the actual address or link.  I like to post anonymous pictures from activities we do in class (please sign the permission form for this reason) so kids can share what we are doing at home - and you have specific things to ask about (I know how fifth graders can be!). Rest assured that names will never be used, only pictures and sometimes initials.  Being comfortable using technology in this and other ways is very important for your child's future. I hope to use podcasts and vodcasts, once I learn how to add them. This will allow you to know what is going on in our class,viewing it and hearing about it in a wonderful new way.
4.  It's FUN!!

I am really looking forward to another great year of teaching 5th grade!! I LOVE 5th Graders!! I hope to see you and the kids on Wednesday at the Ice Cream Social in the back of the school from 4:00-6:00 p.m.  If not, I look forward to meeting you Thursday morning at the Meet and Greet, which is from 8:40-9:10 a.m.!Please look at the right margin for upcoming events as I try to keep this area updated regularly for your help. See you at Curriculum Night on September 24th starting at 6:30 p.m.

Finally, cheers to you for reading this entire post!  See you soon!

5G Classroom

from the lib.smartboardclass4class work areawriting centerfrom the door
class 2class1class3class 5

5G Classroom, a set on Flickr.

Here are some pictures of our classroom! Enjoy browsing!