Thursday, August 23, 2012

First Day!

We had a busy day at school today!  What a great group of kids!  I can just tell this is going to be a fabulous year!  While the kids do not have homework tonight (I told them to enjoy the transition back to school), the parents do have some homework.  Sent home today was a green Student Information sheet (except for those 4 parents who printed from the blog), a pink blog permission form, and a letter from Mr. Maldonado about Intramural Club.  Please fill those things out and return tomorrow.  On the green sheet, please let me know if there is anything you need me to know about your child. You can also call me or email me anytime with questions, concerns, or suggestions on how to best meet the needs of your child!  In addition, return the green transportation sheet from the registration materials so we know how your child is supposed to go home each day.  If there is a change in the dismissal plan, please email or call me or the office.

Even though our lunch time is right in the middle of the day, there will be snack time offered in 5th grade.  We are requesting that if your fifth grader needs a snack (lunch is at 11:45), they should bring fruit or a vegetable only. Fruit snacks that are labeled 100% fruit will be allowed.  Some days, the best time for snack will be right after recess during read aloud or after our afternoon special.  We talked about how snack is optional and kids should come to school after having a balanced breakfast and a plan for a healthy lunch.  Thanks in advance for supporting this at home.

If you haven't noticed, our Curriculum Night is not scheduled until September 24 (see the Upcoming Events Tab on the home page).  Next Friday, I will send home the Curriculum Packet for you to read through and sign.  Please let me know if you have any questions regarding any subject or policies in the packet.

Finally, if you are on this blog, you have an interest in your child's day. If you have initiated conversation about their first day of fifth grade and have received the obligatory, "It was fine!" please ask them about the following items to see what they have to say:

  1. The rainbow behavior chart
  2. The Paper Clip Chain
  3. Our discussion about my daughters
  4. "Check your feet!"
  5. Clap Spelling
I look forward to another great day tomorrow!  While it is nice to say, "Tomorrow's Friday!" I look forward to a full week next week so we can get through all the business of preparing our desks and books and notebooks and get right into some fun learning activities!!

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