Wednesday, October 22, 2014

What does that remainder mean?

HI everyone!  Thank you for checking in here for your homework.  Your lesson this afternoon is how to make sense of the remainder in a division problem.  Please click on the link below and read the page of the lesson, then click at the bottom for more review and practice with this idea.  Our early class work will include three of the problems on that review.  Be able to tell the three ways we can use a remainder.  Bringing in notes of your understanding is acceptable.  I can't wait to see you tomorrow.  I've missed you!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Math Fact practice

Hi everyone,
Fact automaticity (knowing your products IMMEDIATELY upon seeing two factors) is so valuable! It will help you with every unit in our future!  You will be so glad you spent time practicing this for YEARS TO COME!  This flash card site (Quizlet) is a fun way to practice.  Remember that multiplication is just repeating an addition problem.  IF you know one fact, you can figure out the one above it or below it.  You can use this site for a mix of facts, but if you want to study one "table" (one number and all its facts), just google "quizlet multiplication fact cards" and you can choose single tables to study.

Try playing the "Scatter" or the "Race" game and try to beat your time every time you play.  Keep track of your time on a piece of paper.  Play with a parent or sibling.  To make it challenging for them, tell them they have to play with their non-dominant hand.  You'll get lots of laughs!!

Have FUN with math!!!  Below is the site with the mixed set:

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Divisibility Rules

You should have your notebook at home to complete the copying of this chart into your notebook neatly.  If you forgot your notebook, find any piece of paper and copy the rules chart down IN YOUR OWN HANDWRITING.  Tomorrow at school you can paste it neatly into your notebook.

When you are done, study the rules.  Figure out which numbers each of the following are divisible by:


Here is where you can find the powerpoint from our lesson today.  You should not try to connect to the links at the end of the ppt.  If you cannot open it, you should get here right at 9:00 tomorrow so you can go through it on a laptop before the bell.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014



Tomorrow we have our test over unit 2 material.  Below are the answers to the problems you had for homework tonight.  You only HAD to do the problems on the front side, but I am including the answers if you need to check the back side.  If you see an error, please know that I do make mistakes, so check the problem and your work and let me know if you are confident that your answer is correct. Be sure to show all work, INCLUDING carrying and borrowing, just as will be expected tomorrow on the test.

The list of what our test will cover is below the answers.  You have (or should have) plenty of materials to study in your math section of your pendafile.  If you are reading this to check your homework - please bring a  note from your parent simply stating that they saw you studying for your test tonight and if both of you sign it, ten Dolphin Dollars AND 2 points of extra credit for the test!!  It pays to follow directions AND read carefully!!

1.  38.7 pounds
2.  1.57 pounds
 $1.96  (round money to the nearest hundredth!!)
3.  $15.11
4.  7.34 meters
5.  $7.40
6.  $28.78
7.  192 items
8.  36.72 mm
9.  11.31
10.  559 candy bars
11.  $251.55
12.  $126

Test 2 covers
  • Reading problems carefully
  • identifying work and numbers to use
  • adding, subtracting, and multiplying whole numbers
  • adding, subtracting, and multiplying decimals
  • rounding and estimating
  • rounding answers using money
  • Checking all computation
  • Including all units
  • Showing all work