Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Now I've got it!

As I am sure you've heard, I left early yesterday and was out again today. Terrible cough, bronchial infection. I was in early this morning to write plans and talked to the substitute, she said wonderful things about the class yesterday. It was great to have the same sub and beable to talk to herabout the plans for the day. I am so glad I live so close to the school so I could come in to plan for the day. I hate missing school, but it means so much to me when the kids can be respectful and helpful when I am not there. I plan to be there tomorrow - although my voice might be MIA - we'll make the best of it!

SPELLING - Unfortunately, I had planned on beginning the Word Challenge group this week. If your child is in this group - meaning they took their Spelling pretest on the alternate list, they are not on regular contract work. Tomorrow, I will outline what I wish for them to do. If they missed 0-3 (on the alternate list), they will not retake the test on Friday. They will have alternate work. The rest of the class will continue to follow the regular spelling program we have been working with. Next week, we will not have a spelling list due to the shortened week.

My math class has our Unit 4 test on Thursday. Today, the teacher should have gone through most of the study guide. The actual test is almost identical to the study guide.

Fluency - read to a parent and get a signature. We will do the back page on Friday morning.

Science - we are studying magnetism - tomorrow we will do a variety of experiments related to magnetism.

See you tomorrow (I hope!!)

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