Today, we continued learning about matter. Specifically, that everything is made of matter and that matter is made of elements. An element is the smallest unit of matter. I have introduced the kids to the Periodic Table of Elements (remember THAT, parents??) Please be sure to check out the right margin - Links for this week's learning for extra learning you can find online! Next week, we will create physical representations of an element. Kids are asked to bring in items that they can use to create these models. If they can bring in 3 different, smaller items in order to represent protons, neutrons, and electons, that would be great (about 10 - 20 of each, if available). Acceptable items include cereals, pasta, candy, mini-marshmallows, or other very small food items. Non-food options include small buttons, beads, sequins, stickers, etc.
Extra Credit: How can you determine the number of neutrons in an atom? (We found out that the number of protons is the same as the atomic number. Also, the number of electrons is the same as the number of protons).
Other work due:
Reading extended response for Elena (3 paragraphs due tomorrow)
Math - Open response (don't know how this happened in one day!)
Explorer research - continue online and book research as needed to answer key questions (Last day for in school research is Friday).
Spelling Pretest - Unit 13 tomorrow
Fluency - due Friday
Also, here is the tentative schedule for the Explorer Project (this is coming home as well):
Friday (November 19) - Last day for in school research
(Nov. 20 - 29) - At home research (as needed)
Monday and Tuesday (Nov. 22 and 23) - begin writing report (at school)
Wednesday - Monday (Nov. 24 - 29) - finish writing report with research (at home)
Tuesday (Nov. 30) - Paper due (must include a picture of the explorer and a map of their exploration. Both can be drawn or printed.
Wednesday (Dec. 1) - Create speeches from papers (and maps).
Monday (Dec. 6) - Present speeches in class (we'll need a parent audience for this - let me know if you are available!)
Parents, I believe enough time is being allowed in school to get 75% or more of the research done. Adequate time is being given in order to work on papers (first drafts) in class next week. If your child is not using his or her time wisely during this research time or writing time, work will be expected to be completely at home over Thanksgiving Break. This is not my goal. Please tell your child what your expectations are. Also, speeches will be started in class but may need to be finished at home. I am really trying to teach the kids to manage their time. This is a process. I appreciate your support.
Thank you.
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