Monday, December 13, 2010

Long lost blogger...

HI everyone! Yes, it is me - back from the great beyond! Let me apologize for not keeping up on the blogging. Between Thanksgiving visitors, sick children, getting ready for Christmas, and all the holiday preparations, I have just been a little overwhelmed lately! We have also been extremely busy in the classroom, just last week finishing up our Explorer projects and presentations. Thank you to all the parents who were able to come in to help, either with research in the LMC or to watch our explorer speeches. The kids did a great job and they came home today with their reports graded and their presentation rubrics.

Today we began our one week folktale unit. Today, we discussed different types of folktales (fairy tales, tall tales, fables, myths, legends, etc.). This week during literacy, we will travel to the different fifth grade classrooms to have each of the fifth grade teachers present 5 G with a different story and activity. Be sure to ask your child what they did during literacy each day! We will wrap up with a special movie next week that will incorporate many folktale characters.


There is homework for Winter Break. Now that all the research is done, we are moving on to our Book Review unit. I know this is something that is done in fourth grade, but with the fifth graders, we get more in depth and create a brochure using the Publisher program on the computer. By the time we return from break on Jan. 5, it is expected that each child be able to write about a book that is finished over break or that has VERY recently been read completely start to finish. A book read earlier in the school year or in 3rd or 4th grade is not sufficient. Please see that the Book Review form (it will actually come home THIS Friday)is filled out completely. Also, extra credit in writing will be given for a detailed account of the author of the book to add to the book review brochure. Sometimes, this is my favorite part of a book review anyway!! I love reading about authors!!

Here is our homework for this week:

No Fluency

Spelling - Contract for Unit 15 is due Wednesday - test is Wednesday (We will not get a new list for Unit 16 - I will send that home on Jan. 5)

Spelling Bee - our first bee to determine contestant #1 from 5G is this Friday. Every student is to participate and try their best. Study time is given sporadically in class and these should be studies at home as well.

Math - 5th grade math is moving on to our fraction unit. Today we have journal page 122 to do. We will have math homework everyday this week.

Reading - for our folktale unit, read the first folktale in the story "Folktales from Asia" Be ready for an entrance slip in the morning!

Science - we are studying magnets this week and moving onto electricity when we get back from break.

My enrichment group (guided reading time) will take a mini-test over suffixes we have been studying NEXT MONDAY! We are studying these along with a variety of reading strategies during this time.

Next Tuesday, we will open the Treasure box to shop a bit - so earn that money when you can. We also will have our Winter Party. Lots of fun to look forward to!

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