Thursday, January 7, 2010

Read, Read, Read

You have one more week in order to earn your Accelerated Reader points. The end of the quarter is next Thursday, the last day for AR tests. If you have a goal to meet - take care of last minute reading this weekend!

Here are some other important dates to keep in mind:
Tuesday, Jan. 12 Dinner Night at Culver's (20% of your sales go to Cowlishaw's PTA) Unfortunately, I have class on Tuesday so I can't come!

Thursday, Jan. 14 5th Grade Family Math Night - 6:30 - 8:00p.m. Visit all the 5th grade classrooms to learn some new math games you can play at home to reinforce math skills. There will be an estimation raffle and other raffles. Also, a packets of math materials will be available for you to take to use at home. Bring the whole family!

Friday, Jan. 15 NO SCHOOL (This is a teacher work day.)

Monday, Jan. 18 NO SCHOOL (We are observing Martin Luther King Jr.)

Wednesday, Jan. 20 Robert Crown Field Trip about human development (all kids need to bring a bag lunch as we will be eating late when we return and will eat in the classroom).

Friday, Jan. 21 Robert Crown follow up presentation (boys and girls will be spoken to separately about changes to look forward to).

Here is our homework for today:
Spelling test (3 activities due tomorrow-or use a no homework pass)

My math class has an Extended Response to do (T-Chart with what you did and why you did it - a written explanation of how you figured out the problem)

Feel free to do some at-home research on your explorer. Remember to keep track of where you get your information!

Have fun in the snow!

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