Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Links for the Week

A new section will be added above the Links You'd Like section in the right margin. It will be called Links for the Week and I will update it with links to websites directly related to information we are studying for the week. This week, we are doing reading about Native American Tribes and furthering our studies on Weather by researching clouds. Please look there first if you need more information for home support.

New assignments:
- create 5 multiplication problems of your own and show your work. Students must show traditional multiplication, but may choose to check work with partial products or lattice method. We provide access to multiple algorithms, but students are expected to demonstrate mastery of multiplication using traditional multiplication (including multiple digit times single and double digit). Those kids who adequately display an understanding should be challenging themselves with triple digit or decimal multiplication. Use your SRB for help.

Social Studies - Read pages 76-80, including all captions and timelines. There will be an "entrance slip" tomorrow to see what you learned from the reading.

Did you take the challenge and create a Preamble for our classroom? This is due tomorrow !

Don't forget! Tomorrow is Walk to School Day!! Save the pollution a car makes and walk to school if you can!

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