Monday, October 4, 2010


Orchestra students, you did a great job remembering to come early today. Band students, you have whole group in the morning at 7:50, so be here on time! Chorus, you should plan for Thursday. All of these things to remember! Try reminding yourself a few times a day what you are responsible for remembering. This is good practice for middle school. What are some other routines we have in place this year that are (hopefully) creating good thinking habits??

Here is what was assigned today:
Writing - 3 weekend memories (due Tuesday)

Reading - Extended Response (you can use your book - this is due Wednesday)

Math - Journal page 47 AND link 2.7 (5th grade)

Spelling - Unit 6 test Wed./contract activities due Wed.

Fluency - William Tell passage (read to a parent, study the questions, get it signed, practice fluent reading!)

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