Friday, March 4, 2011

Friday Update!

Hi there,
What a busy week we all had! I hope you were able to finish today's work and only have reading to look forward for this weekend. Here is what you might have to do:

Spelling - words 3 times and 5 silly sentences (you can use this for 2 contract assignments if you are on contract) This will be turned in on Wednesday.

Math - my class had journal work today that will be due on Monday. You had class time today to work on this. IF you used your time wisely and used your resources, this should have been mostly done in class. This was all review work.

Social Studies - there was a worksheet for lesson 2 and lesson 3 that you were given time to do in class. That will be checked on Monday and used to study for a quiz we will take on Tuesday...basic information from Chapter 7. We will move right into Chapter 8 this week - VERY EXCITING AND FUN ACTIVITIES!! I PROMISE!! You also had a program response for the French and Indian war piece you watched.

Please don't forget to add any music choices to Edmodo for the Fifth Grade Farewell. Thanks for your opinions!

Have a great weekend!

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