Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Busy, busy, busy!!

Whew, what a busy day we had in 2G! Look at all we did today!

First we started by reading my favorite Halloween book from my childhood, Spider Saves Halloween. We are working on remembering the important details of the stories we read so we can retell them to someone. Being able to retell story events in order is a very important reading skill. We put our retell on a pumpkin since the story was about Spider dressing up as a pumpkin!

Next, we had Mrs. Montemayor come in and give us a lesson about the artist, Winslow Homer. He is no longer living, but his art work lives on. He was famous for sea scapes and nature scenes. I didn't share this today, but Homer was the FIRST artist I did a research project on in my art classes in college. I love his work. Your child brought home the picture they made in class today. They used watercolor pencils. If you have a paintbrush at home, allow them to use some water to brush over their art work and bring it to life! When it dries, it can come back to school and we will hang them in a display. The picture we learned about was called "Snap the Whip."

Here we are busy creating our own nature scenes!

Later in the day, we spent some time making shapes out of clay to see what we could make float and what we could make sink. We found that it was much easier to mold the clay into sinkable shapes than floatable shapes. Here are the mad scientists in action:

We spend some quality time charting our data so we could keep track of our observations, just like real scientists!!

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