Thursday, March 7, 2013

Almost Done!

It's been a weird week with the snow day and all the ISAT testing. I can't wait to get back to our normal routine. The kids have been doing really well during testing, remembering to pace themselves, use good test taking strategies, and seem to enjoy the perks of testing week; mints and gum, lots of brain breaks, and no homework. Speaking of which, I will collect and check reading logs tomorrow to get an idea of what you are currently reading. We will begin next week with conferencing and a reading review, so be prepared to write about what you are currently reading. I know many kids are choosing to begin the next genre project early, but I suggest just chilling out with one of your favorite genres or one of the books that someone introduced you to and read for pleasure.  Your last genre project isn't due until April 30. However, I appreciate that there are those of you who want to get your project chosen, read, and done. That's your prerogative!

Tomorrow is our last day of testing. If you happen to check the blog, please bring your personal reading book as we will all take time tomorrow to chill out and read for pleasure.  You can even bring a stuffed animal or pillow to be extra comfy as you do so. See, reading the blog gives you even more perks!!

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