Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Good Fit Books

Tomorrow is our LMC day. Remember to bring your books back if you are done reading them so you can pick out books that are a good fit for you. Today, we talked about how some books are a good fit, meaning they are just right for our reading level. We discussed ways to follow the I-PICK method.

I Pick a book out.

P urpose - I have a purpose for reading this book.
I nterest - I am interested in this book's topic.
C omprehension - I can understand what I'm reading about this topic.
K now - I know most of the words in this book (the five finger rule).

It is important to know why we pick the books we do. Tomorrow, we will talk about when it is ok to read a book that is above our level and below our level. We want to always be reading books that are at our independent reading level, but there is a time to look at those "Old Favorites" and the "Save for Laters."

Today in math, we worked on our partner skills by playing Addition Top-It. During writing, we added more to our idea lists and chose a topic to write about. Tomorrow, we will have our first Word Wall test over the following words:
are, an, first, best, said, and then. Next week, we will begin our first Word Study list (think:spelling) and this will be discussed at depth at Curriculum Night. Each week, we will have a new list of Word Wall words.

As a reminder, tomorrow is Dolphin Depot at Young. This is the school store and will be open first think in the morning. Tomorrow is only for grades K-2. Also, MOnday is Curriculum Night for grades K-2, so make plans now. It is from 6:30 - 8:00 and I hope to see everyone.

Have a wonderful evening!

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