Monday, October 29, 2012


One of the changes that will occur with the second quarter is less posting on the blog.  I generally overwhelm you at the beginning of the year, then cut back as the year goes on, specifically with writing the homework on the post. Some days, I allow kids to write posts about things they are studying. I will now write posts on Monday and Thursday each week, with periodic updates when needed.  Students should be practicing good work habits, writing homework down correctly from the board, and keeping work and projects organized.  This is something we can discuss in depth next week at conferences (if needed), but overall, I am happy with the organization skills I see that are in place.

Speaking of organization, Wednesday will be our first Book Share. Each student should have the genre activity completed and ready to share on Wednesday. We will have our banked 45 minutes of Choice Time on Wednesday as well, so if the assigned activity is not completed adequately, the student will work on the project (or a writing activity and poster) during Choice Time.  Your child may bring any non-electronic game or arts and crafts to school for Choice Time.  I am looking forward to seeing the completed projects and hearing about the books (if the genre activity is completed).

Another change was with the Grezlik Gazette. We are now using a new format, which the kids can tell you about.   For most of the quarter, we will write now at the beginning of the week instead of at the end of the week.  Time will be given in class to start this activity.  If done on the computer, it needs to be cut out and pasted into the composition book.

The weekly word work changes this quarter.  Sentences will now be one of the 4 activities that needs to be done for Friday word work.  Sentences will not be assigned every single week.  Some weeks, the kids will need to write a short story with their words.  On all weeks, students need to be sure to follow the directions on the back of the word work sheet and label their work so I know what the work choice is.  Some weeks (like this week), I will assign the activities.  Other weeks, it will be student choice.

Here is the work due this week:
Reading - log your pages and bring your completed genre activity to school on Wednesday

Writing - Grezlik Gazette (2,4,6,8) - Many kids finished most of this in school today.  It is due on Wednesday.

Math -  Mrs. Ryan's class has a small packet of work
          -  Mrs. Kallal's class has a sheet of practice
          -  Mrs. Grezlik's class has test corrections, a parent signature on the test, and bring ads to school for this week's transfer task.  Math boxes will be assigned tomorrow and are due on Friday.  There will be time in class to work on these.

Word Work - See above.  Some kids had time to work on Spelling City today in lab.  These activities are due on Friday and the test is on Friday.

I look forward to meeting with parents next week at conferences.  Let me know if you need to change times or days. 

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