Thursday, December 20, 2012


You KNEW that would be the title of this blog post, right?  HAHA!   I am sure the kids had some giggles as they saw my excitement at the thought of any snow that might fall tonight.  Snow is definitely one of the bright parts of my life!  I could never imagine living somewhere that never got any snow.  I would be so sad.  I just heard on a news report that we haven't had any REAL snow for 290 days.  That fact was a little depressing!  However, just a quick look outside and I am cheered right up!

Another thing I am cheering up about is our fun day planned for tomorrow.  Right now, it looks as if the snow isn't supposed to be too bad so I'm looking forward to everything we have on the schedule.  Remember that you are free to bring in a non-electronic game (board game, card game, LCR, etc.) to play in the afternoon after our dance party.  We will play a game of LCR as a whole class if we have time, using our Dolphin Dollars.  Some lucky winner will have a bunch of "money" to use during Treasure Box tomorrow!

Study your Sammy Sosa packet questions.  Our test will be tomorrow.

All classes have math homework but my class can finish tomorrow in class if they don't finish Scooby Doo tonight (I don't have any idea how long it may take).

See you all tomorrow - hopefully with your snow boots on!

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