Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Hey!  Tell your parents about the following cheers we learned today (mostly from each other!):

Alaskan Hurrah!
Rodeo Round Up!
Gingerbreads Cheer
Candy Warriors
Dojo Dolphins
Wild Tigers
Cheetah Champs

We had another full day, didn't we?  You all did such a great job, I am doing a cheer for you right now!  Guess which one it is!  It has a "Swoosh!" in it!

Today, we talked a little bit about what makes us pick up a book and start reading it.  We still need to add some of our tips on our poster.  Your entrance slip tomorrow will be to tell me how you picked the book you are currently reading.  What made you pick that book?  What made you stick with it?  I hope you read your 20 minutes tonight in a nice, cool, comfy spot that you love.  I also hope that you READ THE WHOLE TIME!  It is so easy to get distracted!  You really have to tell that brain of yours to "Calm Down!  I am trying to read!!"  Your brain will do what it's told (although you may need to tell it twice!).

Tomorrow or Friday, we will be personalizing our writing notebooks.  Everyone has the assignment to bring somethings in that will inspire your writing each day.  Photos, stickers, embellishments, clips from the newspaper or magazines, special drawings,etc.   Please bring a few things! 

Finally, please remember that chorus and drum ensemble begin NEXT THURSDAY!  NOT TOMORROW!  Sorry about the confusion!  Slips are due this week, however!  I am so glad so many of you are going to give this new opportunity a whirl!

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