Thursday, August 22, 2013

Our First Day Together!

What a day!  It started with weird rumbling storms, but you all were very attentive and I think you even learned a thing or two about me and how our classroom will function. The first few days are hard, there is so much to learn, but we will persevere and get through it together.  It would be sooo much easier if teachers were all clones and nothing really changed from year to year.  How BORING, that would be!  It could make for an interesting story, though!  I give you permission to borrow that idea!

Did you all run home and tell your parents all about your first day?  I'm SURE you did!  Right after you cleaned the toilets and made your snack for tomorrow!!  😋  I know some of you took the news of no "free" time in computer lab a little hard, but tomorrow I will show you what lab time will look like (AND FEEL LIKE!!) this year.  Our time will always focus on a learning target/task and will include three "Choice" activities for when you've completed the agenda (schedule). Most days we go into the lab with an agenda and the choice activities are clearly defined on there. Tomorrow, I will also show you class Dojos, read more from our read aloud book, and get started with Otter Creek (math facts), just to name a few things. I sure hope you come back and that I didn't scare you off  with my weird fear of packaged fruit and liquid yogurt!  Remember, we are a peanut free classroom, so check those package ingredients so we all stay safe.

I have something very, VERY, special  to share with you tomorrow!  I hope you like it.

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