Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Grace Period

Today, the clips began moving on our behavior chart. This chart is used to track behavior for all sorts of things.  Today, there were two behaviors that caused movement on the chart: not getting the homework done (composition book response from a parent) and not pushing chairs in when away from the desks (MAJOR PROBLEM!).  Being ready for class, with materials and homework, is imperative.  Being safe, by keeping materials where they belong (chairs pushed in), is imperative.  Ask your child where he or she ended the day...and discuss!  
Tomorrow, I will be sure to move some kids up the chart. I am constantly looking for the "above and beyond" in the kids.  Moving up the chart is not done for what is expected of you. It's for the little extra.  This might mean noticing a student helping another student remember to push their chair in,  helping someone with an activity's directions, letting a teacher cross the line as we are in the LMC, or standing in correct position in the stairwell.  Those are some of the behaviors I will reward with a move up the chart.  That means colored stars and the chance for glitter clips...who will have our first glitter clip??  With this groups of kids, I'd better stock up on the sparkly stuff!!
Here is our homework for today:
  • Empty the Weekly Folder and have parent sign it with a clear signature (please).
  • Read "Hot and Cold Summer"  Test on FRIDAY (closed book)
  • 20 minutes reading PRB and fill in log
  • Quiz on teeth and purpose of digestive system FRIDAY
  • Math:
                   5G - Study link 1.2
                   5K - sheet in packet
                   5R - sheet on conversions
Challenge:  Can you tell your parent what a "compliment sandwich" is?  Try giving one to your parent!  Oh, boy!

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