Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Lots of new stuff....

It was great to see everyone who could make it last night. I enjoyed sharing what we do each day and some of what your child can look forward to this year. If you were not able to make it to Curriculum Night, I sent home with your child the materials that were passed out as well as a copy of the powerpoint presentation I used. I promised a volunteer form would come home today for those who wish to volunteer in our classroom, which I copied on a nice pink piece of paper - and I sit here staring at it as I write this. Therefore, I have attached that form for you to print out now to send in, if you'd like. I will send it home tomorrow - but at least you have the info today!! Also, see the attached documents regarding band and orchestra schedules as needed.

Please find under IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS:

Band schedule

Orchestra schedule

Volunteer form

I decided to not use the white folders on Mondays to send graded work home, preferring to send graded work home as it is ready - making it VERY IMPORTANT for the "Take Home" section of the Pendafile to be checked NIGHTLY! There are important things in there daily and I appreciate the effort it takes to check it and clean it out.  This will be checked tomorrow or Thursday for ORGANIZATION!

We will not have a Harcourt story this week, instead focusing on specific skills and writing about our reading, using your child's personal reading choice. There is a reading response (pink full sheet) due on Friday and a white half sheet that is due tomorrow. Your child will move to logging PAGES instead of MINUTES next week, after our conference this week. Please be sure the reading log is IN THE PENDAFILE each day, since it is necessary for my conference with your child. 

The word sort words assigned today will not be tested on until NEXT FRIDAY (same with the assignments - sentences and word work due next week). We will work on a variety of sorts in class this week using both sets of words (Spelling City is loaded and ready for practice).

We have our digestion TEST tomorrow so please make sure your child spends some time studying this evening.
5G - journal page 25 and 26 (test next Tuesday)
5R - multiplying decimals page - show ALL work (test this week)
5K - place value sheet

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