Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Middle School Excitement!

5G News

Middle School Options:
We started off our day today with a visit from staff members from Granger.  They went over the options for middle school and a packet was sent home as well.  Please take time to talk to your child about the options and send the blue note (only) back to school by Jan. 31.  You should choose one option and sign the top of the note.

Robert Crown:
Our trip to Robert Crown is next week, so if you have not sent in money or the permission slip, please do so tomorrow.

Bingo Night:
The PTA Bingo Night is this Friday!  Try to bring the family if you can, it's a really fun event!!

One Book/One School:
Upon further consideration, the 5th grade team has decided to focus on other reading material for classwork and leave the new book selection, Where the Mountain Meets the Moon, as the family focused program it was intended to be.  This is such a wonderful story and I encourage all families to take time to participate!

Genre Projects:
January books for the genre projects should be finishing soon and project work beginning.  Presentations should be between 2-4 minutes.  The projects are due on January 30, so any day when the homework is on the lighter side (not tonight), take advantage and work on it.  I am always available for 5-10 minutes before lunch and 5-10 minutes before dismissal for any questions about anything!   I have reentered the biography project and it looks like it is linked correctly this time. 

Homework for tonight:

Reading - continue to log pages you are reading.  We will conference this week about increasing pages.  The One Book/One School book counts toward your total pages for the day, so be sure to include those pages!  Finish up your January book if you haven't already and start working on your project.  I am going to allow a few people who are already done with their projects to begin presenting when we have a few minutes of extra time.

Math - Mrs. Grezlik's class and Mrs. Kallal's class has a sheet of homework (time given in class and many finished)

Social Studies - finish up two column notes for both lesson 1 (work from last week) and lesson 2 (read in class last Friday) for chapter 7.  Our activity in class tomorrow will require the use of these notes, not the book.

Word Work - definitions were already turned in, time was given for the syllable sort last week, so that and two other activities are due for tomorrow.  Test tomorrow.  After this list, we will take a couple weeks off from our word sort work to focus on the vocabulary for our CLASS NOVEL STUDY.  We will focus on applying knowledge about prefixes, suffixes, and spelling patterns.  This will be challenging, but very rewarding!

Writing - Time was given in class today to begin the newsletter for this week.  There is a half sheet with directions to follow.  Many kids finished this in class so they just need to get it read and signed by a parent!

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