Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Have you noticed your child has become more interested in the weather? I hope so. We have been studying different types of clouds and the properties those clouds have. At recess, we are looking up at the clouds to see if we can identify them. Today in class, we worked with small groups to develop a skit about the 4 main cloud types. TOmorrow, these skits will be performed and I look forward to seeing the groups that can correctly demonstrate the types of clouds in an entertaining way. One suggestion was to have the group become "The Cloud Family," where each member took on the name of their specific cloud and then "became" that cloud, acting like that cloud would. I even developed my own skit that I will ask volunteers to help me perform (another idea for writing). ANother suggestion was to become a band called "The 4 Clouds." We'll see if any kids were inspired and applied this knowledge to their group's skit. Ask your child about his or her group's skit, what role he or she played in developing it, and what it is. Also, your child has a weather folder (blue) with 4 weeks worth of charts. They are to try to accumulate all the data possible (using the online Weather Channel, the nightly news, or their own observations). Thank you for the support you give at home.

Here is our homework for tonight:

Spelling - 3 act. due Fri.

Math - 5th grade (journal p. 41 #1-5) Students should have their SRB to complete this data landmarks sheet (just look up the word in the index and turn to that page).

Weather folder data


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