Tuesday, September 22, 2009

What's Happening!

Tuesday is a busy day for me with my graduate classes at night, so sorry when I cannot post right away. Today we began our Guided Reading classes. Please talk to your child about what they are doing to become abetter reader. Children in 5th grade should start becoming aware of strategies they are to use to understand material better.

These include:
working to decode using strategies like chunking up parts of words they know

Rereading for meaning (if they have been reading but can't tell you what they have read, then it is time to start rereading - I periodically ask myself, "What did I just read?" and if I can't answer, then I reread.)

Using picture clues to help construct meaning of the text

Using words around a word to tell what the unknown word could be

These are just a few. If you would like more - keep posted - I will put some more up!

Homework for today:

math - 5th link 2.4

spelling - 3 activities

no fluency this week

study the 4 types (nimbus, cirrus, cumulus, and stratus) of clouds (are your notebook pictures and descriptions done??)


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