This week, the class will read about different jobs back in colonial times. Everyone got a different book that details the job that they are responsible for reading about and sharing with the class on Thursday. Time was spent today coming up with a list of what is expected to learn and share about the job your child was given. Here are the basics:
1. What is a description of my job?
2. How was my job done?
3. What tools were needed to do my job?
4. What education/training was needed to do my job?
5. What would I wear at my job?
6. What were the safety issues/dangers of my job?
7. How did I get paid for my job?
8. What were the hours I had to work?
9. Was my job/service valued by the people?
10. What were some sights, smells, and sounds associated with my job?
11. Would I have liked this job?
The work for this project will be done in class tomorrow and Wednesday and the project will be presented on Thursday. Most of the students got through a majority of the reading, but should finish most of it tonight so they are ready to start organizing notes about their job tomorrow. The presentation on Thursday will be to speak about your job as if you are actually a colonist doing the job at that moment. This is meant to be a fun activity where the kids teach each other details about the different jobs in America 200 years ago. The discussion has been meaningful when we compare jobs to the past to jobs of today. The kids may dress in a simple costume or in regular clothes.
Due tomorrow:
+ LOG on your NEW orange log sheet (remember that ALL assigned reading counts toward your log reading!!)
+ Read your colonial job book (if you don't finish, that is OK - you'll have time tomorrow too)
+ Genre project due on Monday, March 4.
5G has a test Thursday and the study guide is due tomorrow. There should be many practice pages to prepare for this test. You can also look on line for more practice with coordinates, quadrants, and transformations.
5K and 5R both have homework as well
Social Studies:
Finish reading chapter 9 and fill in your study guide (many finished with time in class)
Work Work:
30 points of activities due tomorrow
Test tomorrow!