Wednesday, September 4, 2013

wEiRd WeDnEsDaY!

Having the first day of the school week on a Wednesday can be really confusing!  I can't wait until next week when we start having regular full weeks of school (with a few exceptions, of course).   Don't forget that chorus starts tomorrow morning at 7:50a.m. and Drum Ensemble is right after school, if you signed up for either!  You are going to have a blast!!

Today, we did a few interesting activities based on a class the teachers took yesterday during our training day.  As a classroom building activity, our class did a "Rally Robin" activity where shoulder partners met with each other and made a list together of what tasks we do directly upon entering the classroom.  Partners had to work together to create the list, taking turns writing and talking/coaching the whole time.  Then, the teams got up and did a "Mix-Pair-Share"  (to music) and mixed around the room until the music stopped and then paired up with another pair to share what they had come up with and if they saw any differences or similarities in the lists.  We also did an "All Write Round Robin" during writing about how to make our sentences more interesting and flow well. This required groups of 4 to take turns sharing how to make their sentence writing more fluent, but everyone had to write each member's ideas down.  The GINGERBREADS won with a total of 7 ideas that all 4 members had written in their notebooks!  Way to go, Gingerbreads!  Yum, yum, yum! 

Tomorrow, we have our first field trip to look forward to!  I can't wait!  The weather looks amazing, so I think we are going to make some wonderful memories!  Please be on time tomorrow and dress appropriately (I suggest gym shoes)!  Water bottles will stay at school and we will have lunch in the lunchroom when we get back.  Hot lunch and milk will still be available!  

Thanks for another wonderful day!  I loved seeing how you all shared with each other during our activities and helped each other remember some of the directions given.  Tomorrow, you will see how many DOJOs you have earned (both positive and negative).  Please do your part to help your teammates and classmates to follow directions and make good choices!

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